Post by GeeYOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
Struggling with the therapy ?
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishYou call having foresight a tantrum, do you just let your emotions rule
Post by Grimly Fiendishbrain and march into anything ?
No, of course not. But I do let my emotions come into my life.
Ah so i was right right the first time.
Post by GeeMen should do that too a bit more.
They do, though they may not show it, not many women like to see men cry.
Post by GeeWhat I called a tantrum was your unsuitable and uncalled for abusive
language after I said something u simply didn;t agree with.
Ah i see, it was a tantrum because i disagreed and turned out to be correct.
Which is what men do all the time, hence -throwing tantrums over nothing.
Like women saying "truth hurts" like a record stuck in a grove when they are
cornered and can't think coherently anymore.
Rubbish, just cos non will marry you, can't blame em really :-)
Post by GeeNOW u are scared of that, but we were talking before marrige feelings not
Yeh it's called thinking about the future, something you lack.
Post by GeeDunno about that. Maybe straight after - yes. But once it all heals down
there, and kid stops screaming 247, and providing she has some help to rest,
of course she should get the romantic feelings back.
Unfortunately it's sometimes to late by then.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishOk so you believe when a women marries she will always love you, never be
unfaithful etc (assuming you don't mistreat her). It's a nice dream but
get real.
I know what you are saying. I am real.
I know love don;t last forever.
Why not ? of course it does, but true love is hard to find and many never
experience it.
I don;t expect it to. But fairness should, and respect should, and if they
Post by Geedecide to part, it should amicable, if nothing else for the sake of kids.
Of course it's best if a split is amicable, but it's sadly often impossible.
I do believe in prenuptual. But I do beleive in womens rights as well.
Yes that's clear, but you don't believe in equal rights do you, you believe
that women should have the rights men have but not that men should have the
rights women have, how many men for example would get maintenance from a
woman ?
Post by GeeShe gave you kids. No house can compare to that!
No it takes Sperm (from a man) and eggs (from a woman) to produce kids.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishWell it casn't be that hard to know where someone is surely, especially
someone you know well and who's friends and family you also know well.
You would be surprised how difficult is to find someone in UK. As I said it
took them 16 years to nail the bust##d. Everytime they did find him, he'd
loose the job so he wouldn;t have to pay, or he'd move, or he'd do
Maybe he had good reason, i don't know the details of who left who or why.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishSee my comments elsewhere.
Father of a child should be responsible for his child,a nd not to expect
some other dude to do his job. End of story.
No i disagree, as do many other men. End of story.
And i'll ask you again what about the reverse, man and kids, where is his
maintainance ?
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishPost by GeeHowver in my friends case, this baby WAS planned, he wanted it and
insisted on it, then when the going got tuff he took off.
The going got tuff ?
I wonder what that means, she probably started bitching him and lost
interest in sex.
<sigh> I will not even bother repliying to such pathetic comment.
Lost for words ?
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishPost by GeeFirst, he would not be supporting the family, he would be providing for
HIS children.
And what when he want's a family, with a replacement partner and kids, he
has to pay for the kids in his "ex" family as well as his new one - get
stuffed i say.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishNo he would be supporting someone elses family as the the woman now has a
new partner who has accepted her and her kids and will now support his
newfound "family"
HELLO!! They are still YOUR kids! Not his! You are giving money for YOUR
kid, not to support her or him! You are giving money to support YOUR child!
No indirectly you are supporting your ex and her new partner, because while
you are paying for the kids upbringing they are having a whale of a time
with all the extra money they *don't* have to spend on the kids.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishI wonder if you would feel the same if your husband (if you have one) left
you, taking the kids and living with another woman, you would be happy to
pay maintenance yes ?
The love for my children is greater then anything in the world. I would do
anything possible to get them back, and if I cannot, I would make sure they
are well off, and would give every penny I have for them! They are MY kids,
and of course I wanna see them be happy and well! DAAH! Stupid question.
So you would gladly pay maintenance, good, cos otherwise you'd be a
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishan ex father doesn't need to pay for his ex's new family to show he loves
the kids.
He doesn;t. He'd pay for his own children.Or are they his EX kids as well!
Of course they are his exs kids aswell, they are also therefore the exs
mands kids regardless of who the biological father is.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishPost by GeeWhat about his feelings for a child? Does he NOT want his child to have
decent clothes, decent food, or new toy or whateva?
Maybe, if he can get over the pain of being dumped, but that should be his
choice, not forced upon him.
IF he can get over...!!!!!!!!!!! OH COMON!!!!!!! What does what SHE has
done to him have to do with his feelings for his CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well drop that one
Post by GeeMen should stop taking the blame out on children! Give those kids the money
they need for scool, clothes etc, and get over your wife in your own time
No let the woman and her new mate support them, as the real father will have
to do if he has children with another woman.
You make your bed so lie in it, don't expect others to pay for your choices.
If i were in that situation i would do my best for my kids but if i was
forced to pay maintenance i'd refuse to contribute anything at all on
principle, nice to see others stick by thier principles.
Post by GeeBut what if there was a prenuptual?
Then no, that's whole point of it.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishErr, without his sperm she wouldn't have children.
Oh yeah! Giving woman a sperm is EQUAL to her MAKING a person inside of her,
giving it her best bits, carrying it around for 9 months in pain and
discomfort, then finally going through agonizing pain of giving it birth!
Well that's just life and nature so live with it and don't expect men to be
eternally in debt for it.
Post by GeeNot to mantion looking and bringing up the kid for the next 20 years while
Post by Geeis nowhere to be seen mostly.
Obviously someone choose the wrong man and let her emotions overide common
Post by Geeyeah I can see how that is equal addition to making a child!
You don't know the hell we have to put up with for a quite life.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishbut also had a huge input in raising his children
As i would hope the father has also.
If you can tell me you have done exaclty 50/50 to what your wife has done
for those kids, I will accept your comment.
I have never had kids and am not married, but i have had several long
relationships and lived together and no the woman
has never done 50/50 because non of the women have had a full time job,
hence i was unable to do 50/50 either, but in that situation i would try my
best to, in my last relationships i have done all the maintenance/diy on the
house, car, etc etc., i pay 75% of the bills and the whole of the mortage as
well as working full time, when i get home i sometimes cook or wash up.
My woman does the housework and most of the cooking, one or two had part
time jobs but i never saw any of their money apart from a small amount i
managed to squeeze out of them towards bills, and spends my money.
Sounds a bit woman sided to me.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishPost by Geesupporting him
Men are still usually the main breadwinners
Not true. In most of the couples both sexes work and bring money in.
Yes, however not so many women work full time, even when they could, but
then if they did who'd do the housework, it wouldn't work out very well if
both partners were shattered after work everynight and had to cook, do the
housework and play with the kids after working a full day, it's a recipe for
disaster even if you could manage it.
However i would gladly stay at home and do the housework etc while they
woman earned the dosh :-)
Post by GeeHowever when I said "supporting him" I meant in other ways as well: cook
for him,
Post by Geewash, iron, look after the kids for him-becuase men just really don;t-,
Only cos most are out working all hours godsend to keep them.
Post by Geeentertain business partners etc.
Ah you associate with the high flyers w th loads a money, that explains your
Post by GeeYes some men will do all the baove things, but how often and how many men,
that is another question.
Most i know.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishlooking after him
And of course him looking after her
Hmm...Maybe financially if she is not working. Emotianlly-I doubt.
Don't talk wet, i doubt any woman but the most stupid would marry or have
kids with a man that didn't give her emotional support.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishand the house
As does the man
Men look after the house? Yeah as if.Maybe 1 in a million.
There's a lot more to looking after a house than cleaning and dabbing a bit
of paint on the walls.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishthen hell yeah, she should get the half.
Again, you retreit to abuse just because you disagree. See what I;m saying?
No not at all.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishYou are selfish, have one way tunnel vision and a hang up about the sexes
OK, that is your opiion. Just curious: how did you come to conclusion that I
am selfish?
Because all your comments are about what you as a woman should get, expect,
and money and you think men should fork out for everything, have no rights,
no equality and they are lazy, good for nothing, have no emotions etc etc.
Post by GeeAs for One way tunnell vision? Well, when you give men all the chances, and
they are still the same, then you can;t really enlarge your vision, can you.
What chances, is this your personal experience, don't base your opinions on
one man or even a few men.
Post by Geehave a hang up about sexes? Hmm...Strangely I have more male friends then
female ones.
That's often the case with women who have a problem with men, they need to
surround themselves with men to make them feel secure, but i doubt even if
your male friends had you they would want to remain in a steady relationship
with you.
Post by GeeI have a job that is traditionally considered man's job therefore work
with lots of men.
Big deal, felt the need to prove a point ?
Post by GeeThey don;t think I have a hang up. becuase they know I am right and most
are not afraid to admit it.
Yeah, whatever.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishjust think the law is far too biased for women
and the equal rights thing has gone to far the other way in some aspects,
where men don't seem to have the same rights or advantages as women. The
law etc is still based on the fact that the man is the breadwinner and the
Post by Grimly Fiendishis the potwasher and cleaner.
You have a point, yes law is old, and has to be changed, and married men can
stay with very little after divorce.
Saying that, if you look at the stats for the reasons for divorce,
infidelity on man's part is on the top, therefore, he really ask for it
didn;t he.
Then again men don't have pregnancies and undergo changes like a women, so
they don't lose there interest in sex like a woman and by the time a woman
feels like it again (if ever) it's often to late and there is no sexual
feeling anymore.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishShe has given HIM much more then he could EVER repay.
Rubbish (see above comments), you really do think you are superior to men
don't you ?
Of couse. it's a fact, not an opinion. All women are, not just me. When you
make a baby, or be able to put up with the pain of giving birth, we can talk
No it's not a fact it's a myth, though it can be advantageous to let them
think so sometimes.
The fact is if it weren't for men we would never have evolved cos women
can't invent things nor do they heavy work a man can - yes there will be a
few who can, but the world, it's housing, machinery, richness, comfort was
never made by a handful of women and never will be and the day you realise
and accept this the sooner you'll wake up to reality.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishHalf of the house is really nothing in comparasment to giving birth!
Yeh right, and don't blame men for nature.
I don;t blame them for nature. I blame the fact that they dont; respect
women,a nd that it took 20 centuries for women to get some rights!
They always respected women, they just kept them down :-)
Now i suppose it's gonna take another 20 centuries for the bitterness to
wear off and for true equality to happen.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishPost by GeeI suppose if he gave birth to kids
He provided the means and probably made most of the effort during
LOLOLOLOL Yeah , as I described earlier, he has really done an EQUAL job in
MAKING a child, carrying it , giving it life and going through agonizing
pain of birth, then looking after it for 2- years.Yeah, MOST effort! AS IF!
Look it's just tuff tity.
Post by GeeI still can;t stop laughing he he.
Stop tickling yourself then.
Post by GeePost by Grimly FiendishAnd who paid for most of the food, clothes, upkeep of the house, bills,
transport, outings, drinks, presents etc etc, women have expensive tastes
and as you say kids cost a fortune.
The wife mostly. He proabbly spend most of his money on cars, football,
computer games, golf clubs, lovers etc.
Ah you must be talking about the typical unemployed couple who live of
others backs.
Post by GeePost by Grimly Fiendishcleaned, cooked
While the man slaved away digging holes in the road in hot or freezing/wet
wether all day to earn the money to keep the family.
And you think cleaning the house is NOT a physical job? Jeez. Ever scrubbed
the carpet?
Only when something gets spilt, i hear those vacs that wash them are quite
good, though our carpets don't get that dirty.
Post by GeeWashed the windows?
Ah yes, had to do that many a time as they aren't easy to reach for a woman,
and most aren't very good on ladders or window ledges etc.
Washed clothes on hand?
No i use a machine, or the bath for large sheets.
No, when you do call
Ok, ugly.
Now what mans job do you do, would it be working in a smelting plant for 9
hours a day with a half hour break for a cold sandwich and cup of tea, in
front of white hot metal that makes you sweat constantantly even in winter,
or would it be spending all night digging a hole in the road in mid winter
to repair an iron water main thats burst with freezing cold water
everywhere, or maybe it's putting 8 foot corrugated roofing panels on a new
factory unit 40 ft high in a howling cold wind.
Or maybe you live on an oil rig in the north sea, and dive 100s of feet
underwater to repair the platform with welding gear.
DIY plumbing, wall plastering, tiling and even made a desk, all succesfully
and equal to any proffesional would do
it.And so have all my girlfriends.
Wow, are any of them single, it's hard to get girls that do anything
practical around here.
Post by GeeYou just discribed my dad! And I am dead serious. He was exactly like that.
Yes well like i said don't let your own unfortunate life tarnish the rest of
the populous, in comparison everyone you know is
but a speck of dust in the ocean.
Post by GeeFine my partner is not that bad, but he does think that he has done his part
by bringing in the money,and moans about every. Well there is more to
looking after family then money.
Ok so he works full time, and you ?
What does he moan about ?
Post by GeeEmotions is what I am talking about.
Yeh ok, dunno where though.
Post by Gee20 K a year is nothing and berely covering the bills. especially if you live
in London like me. 20K for a woman and two kids would be aboslute murder.
How odd, millions of families have to manage on far less than that, and
don't kid yourself, things aren't cheaper elsewhere apart from property
prices,my Girlfriend and her friend moved here from London over a year ago,
they have found to their horror that all is not as rosy as it seems outside
They would earn almost double what they get here for the same job, the
average wage here is about 12,000 PA for the mid range jobs, If you earn
over 15,000 you are very lucky, many earn far less than 12,000 PA yet still
have a house and family with 2-3 kids.
The prices in the shops are often higher than in London, Rent etc is about
the same, the only thing that is noticeably cheaper is housing. Most people
who move out of London up North are worse off.
Post by GeeBut even if the woman has another man, the father should still be liable to
pay for his kids. They are HIS kids after all.
Post by Grimly FiendishLike you said you made them together, you share the costs together.
Forever. End of story.
Post by Grimly FiendishNo, it's part of a package, if you as a woman marry and have kids then you
remain faithful and keep it a family, if you choose to break the marraige
vow and live with another man then it his no longer his family and he
Post by Grimly Fiendishnot have to support them if the woman has a new breadwinner.
So what, if your wife lives you, you will suddenly loose all the feelings
you have for your kids?
Post by Geeyour kids are your kids! theya re NOT your wife or
ex wife. They are YOUR BLOOD! How can you possibly just WANT to ignore them!
You wouldn't, but that doesn't mean you should be forced to support them
when they have a new family, what if you want to try agian, how can you look
after your new family properly and pay for your ex and her lover to feed and
cloth the kids.