Men and Cats.
(too old to reply)
2003-12-05 04:23:40 UTC
Are all men that like/love Cats sexually dysfunctional or is it just
the majority of them?
I have no idea, I'll x-post you to the appropriate froups in the hope that
they'll have an answer for you, Zack


2003-12-05 04:28:45 UTC
Are all men that like/love Cats sexually dysfunctional or is it just
the majority of them?
Know what u mean...never really had time for cats...but give me a dog
My ex insisted on getting a cat but sure enough the eldest of my 2
dogs soon got it sussed.
The cat would jump on the arm of the chair and wait for the dogs to
walk by and then claw their backs as they did so.
Eldest dog loves her back being scratched so always went back for
more...and milked it for what it was worth.
Cat obviously didn't realise it had been had...and who says the cats
are the smart ones...!!!! LOL
You just made all this up, didn't you? Mark.
2003-12-06 07:27:59 UTC
I missed the beginning of the argument, but this is MHO on men/women+cats

Cats are very independent animals. They are the wildest of the domestic

Men adore independence. Cats do not give them the hassle and
responsibilities say a dog (or a woman) would've. The word responsibility
alone will make men run. So a guy gets a cat. Feeds it occasionally :)

Secondly men like chase. Its not a chauvinistic comment. It's a scientific
fact. Cats indifference and giving love only when and where they want is
what every guy really wants: a chase and a fight for her/his (cats) love.
So the more independent and aloof the cat, the more the guy will appreciate
her/him coming occasionally and giving him some attention.The same way a guy
will chase a woman that keeps saying NO an only occasionally yes (can;t
really explain this better - I'm a woman, so although I can;t possibly
understand this way of thinking, it is unfortunately true, isn;t it guys).

Women on the other hand adore dogs for a completely opposite reason: Dogs
are everything a woman wants in a man (and rarely or never gets): they are
loyal, lovable, they will display the affection 24/7 and they won't leave
you. They give you 100% love and accept your love with the greatest
enthusiasm. Guys, read and learn! :)

Women, IMHO, if they are owner by more then one cat, generally prefer the
most cuddly and affectionate one.

I love them both, cats and dogs . I haven;to got a dog but I am yearning for
one. And yes, as a woman I do find it slightly upsetting when I am trying to
hug my cat and she/he pulls away.Yet, when I am the most busy say on a
computer, they want a cuddle! Go figure.


Men and women may speak the same language, but words mean different
things.How did human race survive for 20 centuries, beats me.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-06 10:39:35 UTC
Post by Gee
Cats are very independent animals. They are the wildest of the
domestic animals.
Men adore independence. Cats do not give them the hassle and
responsibilities say a dog (or a woman) would've. The word
responsibility alone will make men run. So a guy gets a cat.
Nice theory except that I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner, not necessarily in themselves. And
seeing as you compare this with human relationships... I'm a firm believer
that the main reason people [not just men - I've experienced this to be an
issue equal among the genders] don't embrace commitment is through a fear
of letting someone down and isn't always synonymous with "not being in

A gender-long history of being "looked after" in a home-comfort kinda
sense, doesn't disappear overnight.

Men also like obedience, loyalty [even if it's a quality they don't possess
themselves] and a desire to feel needed, or held in adoration.

All of which they get from the dog and why it has earned its rightful name
as "a man's best friend".
Mike Garcia
2003-12-06 10:54:11 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Cats are very independent animals. They are the wildest of the
domestic animals.
Men adore independence. Cats do not give them the hassle and
responsibilities say a dog (or a woman) would've. The word
responsibility alone will make men run. So a guy gets a cat.
Nice theory except that I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner, not necessarily in themselves. And
seeing as you compare this with human relationships... I'm a firm believer
that the main reason people [not just men - I've experienced this to be an
issue equal among the genders] don't embrace commitment is through a fear
of letting someone down and isn't always synonymous with "not being in
A gender-long history of being "looked after" in a home-comfort kinda
sense, doesn't disappear overnight.
Men also like obedience, loyalty [even if it's a quality they don't possess
themselves] and a desire to feel needed, or held in adoration.
All of which they get from the dog and why it has earned its rightful name
as "a man's best friend".
I'm sure you'll get a good response to your heavy-handed reply to Gee's
light-hearted piece.
I find your response self-entered, sexist, ignorant and foolish. It serves
as a good pointer
as to why there are so few female contributors to this NG, apart from the
bad language.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-06 11:19:07 UTC
It serves as a good pointer as to why there are so few female
contributors to this NG, apart from
the bad language.
There are several women who post to this newsgroup frequently, but you're
right. It is very male orientated and always has been.

I don't think it's the bad language which puts them off, you only have to
trot on over to it's poor relation "freeserve.chat" to experience the
colourful language the "laydees" there use.

Freeserve discuss is like walking into a grotty East-end pub, only to find
the locals discussing politics or the Russian economy.

I find that discussing such topics in a newsgroup dedicated to them, I am
out of my depth, or bored, very quickly.

Discussing them here, with such a wide cross-section of society, is far
more entertaining.

Women, generally speaking, use newsgroups for more lighter-hearted reasons.
To socialise or to spew forth pointless chit-chat.

The women I have found who aren't this way inclined are kindreds indeed, of
which - as I say - there are a few here.
2003-12-07 00:08:25 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Freeserve discuss is like walking into a grotty East-end pub, only to find
the locals discussing politics or the Russian economy.
Jeez - you *IS* Shirty and I claim me £20

Well....it must have gone up from a fiver after all this time
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-07 22:32:41 UTC
Post by Rainbow
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Freeserve discuss is like walking into a grotty East-end pub, only to
find the locals discussing politics or the Russian economy.
Jeez - you *IS* Shirty and I claim me £20
I was only subbed for a short time during that sock's reign.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-06 11:44:59 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
and a desire to feel needed, or held in adoration.
Glad you said that, it's so funny (yet sad) how many women go on about how
important this is to them yet think that men don't need it at all, a lot of
women i have known in the past have talked to me about this (because partly
they felt i wasn't giving them enough) but they did not show any of those
qualities to me, had they done so they would've got more from me, but i
don't believe in giving to much if i get nothing in return.
I don't think many men would admit or "whine" about this incase it makes
them feel soft.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Seven Nation Amy
All of which they get from the dog and why it has earned its rightful name
as "a man's best friend".
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I'm sure you'll get a good response to your heavy-handed reply to Gee's
light-hearted piece.
I find your response self-entered, sexist, ignorant and foolish. It serves
as a good pointer
as to why there are so few female contributors to this NG, apart from the
bad language.
I don't think the last poster understands men that well and has a bit of a
hang up over the sexes :-)
2003-12-06 19:24:15 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner,
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
not necessarily in themselves.
From my expirience men consider themselves to either be "indipendent" or
"tide down". There doesn;t seem to be anything in between. Please do correct
me if I'm wrong.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I'm a firm believer
that the main reason people [not just men - I've experienced this to be an
issue equal among the genders] don't embrace commitment is through a fear
of letting someone down and isn't always synonymous with "not being in
So you are saying that you'd rather loose a woman you love, then commit in
fear of hurting her? CMON!

From reading various relationship books, and knowing many women, this seems
to be only the excuse MEN use to not commit. I'm sorry guys, not trying to
be chovinistic here, but me and my girls all believe this to be just an
excuse and the real reason behind it is the men being afraid of being tide
down, and having sex with ONLY one woman for a long time.

It;s simple really: if you love someone, why would you wanna, or fear,
hurting them.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Men also like obedience, loyalty [even if it's a quality they don't possess
themselves] and a desire to feel needed, or held in adoration.
I agree, everyone pretty much wants all that(ok maybe not obidience
exactly). My point was that men want them and will happily take them , but
DON:T give them away, at all, or not even 50%. Hence all the problems in
Post by Seven Nation Amy
All of which they get from the dog and why it has earned its rightful name
as "a man's best friend".
Yeah, I read somewhere a very good saying along the lines of: Ask a man who
is his best friend: he;ll say his woman. Ask his woman who is her best
friend, and she will say another woman. Never a boyfriend. Why is that, you

IMHO the reason why men's best friend is a dog, is becuase of men's luck of
communication skills(no disrespect here guys, but we women are so much
better at it). You have to admit that the way you probably bond with your
mates is by insluts and put downs, spitting and swearing at/on football
match or competing in something. Hardly a bases for a good relationship. So
what do you have left: a dog, until you find the woman who will not treat
you bad, and you will consider her your best friend.

Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-07 22:33:30 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner,
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
2003-12-08 12:13:40 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner,
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 20:52:13 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner,
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered it in
the only sensible way possible.
2003-12-09 03:48:54 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered it in
the only sensible way possible.
I asked him to describe something, so just how sensible answer is YES????
Honestly, I dispair.

Like I said. Typical male logic: take what SUITS you out of the sentence and
use it, leaving out anything that is too hard to answer, too dificult to
understand, or too complicated to talk about. Twist her words as much as
possible. Then provide an answer which will create argument, which will make
her forget all about the original question and instead argue about something
else. Pretend you don;t know what she is talking about.

You men are too see-through! He he.

Out of what I just said you will probably only get as far as "I" he he.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 19:11:36 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
the only sensible way possible.
I asked him to describe something, so just how sensible answer is YES????
Honestly, I dispair.
You see you have just let the womans side down by showing just how stupid
some women can be, you did not ask the OP to describe anything, you asked
the OP if you could ask the OP to "describe your opinion of what the term
partner" means to you." and the OP correctly answered "Yes"

If you still don't get it this might help your braincells :

Question : "May I ask you......."
Answer : "Yes"

By the way, you may find the OP is actually a woman he he he he he
Post by Gee
Like I said. Typical male logic: take what SUITS you out of the sentence and
use it, leaving out anything that is too hard to answer, too dificult to
understand, or too complicated to talk about. Twist her words as much as
possible. Then provide an answer which will create argument, which will make
her forget all about the original question and instead argue about something
else. Pretend you don;t know what she is talking about.
You men are too see-through! He he.
Out of what I just said you will probably only get as far as "I" he he.
2003-12-09 19:33:29 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term
"indipendent partner" means to you.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered
it in the only sensible way possible.
Post by Gee
I asked him to describe something, so just how sensible answer is YES????
Honestly, I dispair.
You see you have just let the womans side down by showing just how stupid
some women can be
Actually you have just done what a typical male would do, and that is to
insult a woman the second she is right, and he is too scared to admit he is
wrong, so instead is reducing himself to abusing her.Sad really.
you did not ask the OP to describe anything,
DAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I did. Read the questionagain : "may I ask you TO
you asked
the OP if you could ask the OP to "describe your opinion of what the term
partner" means to you." and the OP correctly answered "Yes"
Typical male opinion again: pull out what you feel like from the sentence
and use it against her. Never works! If you can;t read or understand such
simple question, you shouldn;t try to turn it on her! It is your breain
cells that are not working, not hers!
Question : "May I ask you......."
Answer : "Yes"
DAAH ! The question was: "MAY I ASK YOU TO DESCRIBE ... "!!!!!! Not: " may I
ask you" DAAAH. How many brain cells does it tak to understand such simple
question? I dispair!
By the way, you may find the OP is actually a woman he he he he he
Who is OP now? It was Seven Nation Army the question was aimed at, and
judged by his answers, he is a man.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 19:55:28 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term
"indipendent partner" means to you.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered
it in the only sensible way possible.
Post by Gee
I asked him to describe something, so just how sensible answer is
Post by Gee
Honestly, I dispair.
You see you have just let the womans side down by showing just how stupid
some women can be
Actually you have just done what a typical male would do, and that is to
insult a woman the second she is right, and he is too scared to admit he is
wrong, so instead is reducing himself to abusing her.Sad really.
you did not ask the OP to describe anything,
DAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I did. Read the questionagain : "may I ask you TO
you asked
the OP if you could ask the OP to "describe your opinion of what the term
partner" means to you." and the OP correctly answered "Yes"
Typical male opinion again: pull out what you feel like from the sentence
and use it against her. Never works! If you can;t read or understand such
simple question, you shouldn;t try to turn it on her! It is your breain
cells that are not working, not hers!
Question : "May I ask you......."
Answer : "Yes"
DAAH ! The question was: "MAY I ASK YOU TO DESCRIBE ... "!!!!!! Not: " may I
ask you" DAAAH. How many brain cells does it tak to understand such simple
question? I dispair!
By the way, you may find the OP is actually a woman he he he he he
Who is OP now? It was Seven Nation Army the question was aimed at, and
judged by his answers, he is a man.
You really are stupid and an insult to intelligent women aren't you ?
"MAY I ASK" is a question, what comes after is irrelavant except for
deciding wether the reply is "yes" or "no".
The only possible correct reply is either "Yes you may" or "No you may not".
2003-12-09 20:59:57 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
DAAH ! The question was: "MAY I ASK YOU TO DESCRIBE ... "!!!!!! Not: "
may I ask you" DAAAH. How many brain cells does it tak to understand such
simple question? I dispair!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You really are stupid and an insult to intelligent women aren't you ?
Not really. You are the one who is not understanding the simple question, so
who is stupid and an insult to menkind now?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
"MAY I ASK" is a question, what comes after is irrelavant except for
deciding wether the reply is "yes" or "no".
The only possible correct reply is either "Yes you may" or "No you may not".
That wasn;t the question. that was YOUR version of my question: MAY I ASK

So no!You can;t answer yes or no when asked to describe something!
Mike Garcia
2003-12-09 20:04:49 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term
"indipendent partner" means to you.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
It doesn't seem difficult to me, you asked a question and SNA answered
it in the only sensible way possible.
Post by Gee
I asked him to describe something, so just how sensible answer is
Post by Gee
Honestly, I dispair.
You see you have just let the womans side down by showing just how stupid
some women can be
Actually you have just done what a typical male would do, and that is to
insult a woman the second she is right, and he is too scared to admit he is
wrong, so instead is reducing himself to abusing her.Sad really.
you did not ask the OP to describe anything,
DAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I did. Read the questionagain : "may I ask you TO
you asked
the OP if you could ask the OP to "describe your opinion of what the term
partner" means to you." and the OP correctly answered "Yes"
Typical male opinion again: pull out what you feel like from the sentence
and use it against her. Never works! If you can;t read or understand such
simple question, you shouldn;t try to turn it on her! It is your breain
cells that are not working, not hers!
Question : "May I ask you......."
Answer : "Yes"
DAAH ! The question was: "MAY I ASK YOU TO DESCRIBE ... "!!!!!! Not: " may I
ask you" DAAAH. How many brain cells does it tak to understand such simple
question? I dispair!
By the way, you may find the OP is actually a woman he he he he he
Who is OP now? It was Seven Nation Army the question was aimed at, and
judged by his answers, he is a man.
Who, Amy? Wow! You never can tell these days!
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 13:43:34 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I've found, generally speaking, modern men tend to
favour independence in their partner,
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
Too difficult for what? You asked if you could ask, I said yes. Next.
2003-12-09 18:35:20 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
Too difficult for what? You asked if you could ask, I said yes. Next.
Daah! I asked him to describe his opinion, not if I could ask dodo, it is a
polite way of asking a question, not that I expect a MAN to understand a
simple logic! Geez!
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 19:57:11 UTC
2003-12-09 21:02:00 UTC
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:21:25 UTC
You can lol at me all you like, you're still not getting my man meat.
2003-12-09 21:26:58 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
You can lol at me all you like, you're still not getting my man meat.
Blondee's mouth is probably full of splooge now anywayz. With all
that lovin she gets.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 20:00:13 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
partner" means to you.
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
Too difficult for what? You asked if you could ask, I said yes. Next.
Daah! I asked him to describe his opinion, not if I could ask dodo, it is a
polite way of asking a question, not that I expect a MAN to understand a
simple logic! Geez!
You are misinterpreting old English, to be polite you would ask "May i ask
you question" adding "about (whatever)" if you felt it appropriate, the
person would then say yes or no, if they thought it too personal they would
say no and you would not insult them by asking directly. You are using it
incorrectly, not politely, if you expected an answer to the question you
asked if you could ask.
2003-12-09 21:06:42 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term
"indipendent partner" means to you.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
He he he. Typical man. Question too dificult?
Too difficult for what? You asked if you could ask, I said yes.
Post by Gee
Daah! I asked him to describe his opinion, not if I could ask dodo, it
a polite way of asking a question, not that I expect a MAN to understand a
Post by Gee
simple logic! Geez!
You are misinterpreting old English, to be polite you would ask "May i ask
you question" adding "about (whatever)" if you felt it appropriate, the
person would then say yes or no, if they thought it too personal they would
say no and you would not insult them by asking directly. You are using it
incorrectly, not politely, if you expected an answer to the question you
asked if you could ask.
May I ask you TO describe is a simple question which is perfectly within the
bounds of an English language today, and considered EXTREMELY polite in UK.
Just becuase couple of you prefer me to be rude and order you to descibe it
by perhpas saying "describe your opinion", I still choose to be a polite
person and ASK you politely to do something the same way that I did. The
point is, I have asked you to describe something. You misunderstood the
question. Don;t blame ME for your misunderstanding it.

Shame you don;t see it.
Jay Kaner
2003-12-09 22:59:10 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
May I ask you to describe your opinion of what the term "indipendent
partner" means to you.
He he he.
See... That's what life would be like if you had a sense of humour.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 00:06:31 UTC
Post by Gee
From my expirience men consider themselves to either be "indipendent" or
"tide down". There doesn;t seem to be anything in between. Please do correct
me if I'm wrong.
I think you are.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I'm a firm believer
that the main reason people [not just men - I've experienced this to be an
issue equal among the genders] don't embrace commitment is through a fear
of letting someone down and isn't always synonymous with "not being in
So you are saying that you'd rather loose a woman you love, then commit in
fear of hurting her? CMON!
Post by Gee
From reading various relationship books, and knowing many women, this seems
to be only the excuse MEN use to not commit. I'm sorry guys, not trying to
be chovinistic here, but me and my girls all believe this to be just an
excuse and the real reason behind it is the men being afraid of being tide
down, and having sex with ONLY one woman for a long time.
Most of those relationship books are written by women aren't they ? Maybe
you read too much :-)
Maybe men use thier brains more and think about the implications of
marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the thought of getting
married and everything that goes with it.
In this day and age so many woman are unfaithful or just out to milk what
they can if it doesn't work out and the law is sadly heavily biased to the
the woman in such cases both in terms of housing, money, support, access to
kids etc.
I would have to be very sure before i married, and even then i would want an
agreement to allow me to keep 100% of my belongings and my house which is
after all mine if things cooled off, wtf should a woman be entitled to half
of something that i've worked all my life to gain.
Post by Gee
It;s simple really: if you love someone, why would you wanna, or fear,
hurting them.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Men also like obedience, loyalty [even if it's a quality they don't
Post by Seven Nation Amy
themselves] and a desire to feel needed, or held in adoration.
I agree, everyone pretty much wants all that(ok maybe not obidience
exactly). My point was that men want them and will happily take them , but
DON:T give them away, at all, or not even 50%. Hence all the problems in
Post by Seven Nation Amy
All of which they get from the dog and why it has earned its rightful name
as "a man's best friend".
Yeah, I read somewhere a very good saying along the lines of: Ask a man who
is his best friend: he;ll say his woman. Ask his woman who is her best
friend, and she will say another woman. Never a boyfriend. Why is that, you
IMHO the reason why men's best friend is a dog, is becuase of men's luck of
communication skills(no disrespect here guys, but we women are so much
better at it). You have to admit that the way you probably bond with your
mates is by insluts and put downs, spitting and swearing at/on football
match or competing in something. Hardly a bases for a good relationship. So
what do you have left: a dog, until you find the woman who will not treat
you bad, and you will consider her your best friend.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-08 00:19:44 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Maybe men use thier brains more and think about the implications of
marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the thought of
getting married and everything that goes with it.
You watch too much Eastenders, you do.

But seriously, think about it...

You are conditioned into believing your 18th [or 21st] birthday is so much
more special than any other, but why? The only thing you can legally do,
differently, is the same thing you've been doing for years, and that's
drinking in a pub... other than that, what's so fucking special about it?

Jack shit.

16 was T-H-E age to be, I could smoke and fuck without fear of arrest.
*Shrug* What else -WAS- there?

It's the same with marriage. We're conditioned, from a very young age,
into believing it's one of the most important, if not T-H-E most important,
days of our lives. And you know what? It is. It's a massively important

It's the day that you should realistically sit down with your future
solicitor and "get informed" as to exactly how much it's going to cost you,
both emotionally and financially, to get rid of the twat you're about to
2003-12-08 12:55:46 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
It's the same with marriage. We're conditioned, from a very young age,
into believing it's one of the most important, if not T-H-E most important,
days of our lives.
You are right, we are conditioned to consider marriage as the most important
day in your life. I wish that wasn;t the case.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
And you know what? It is. It's a massively important day.
It's the day that you should realistically sit down with your future
solicitor and "get informed" as to exactly how much it's going to cost you,
both emotionally and financially, to get rid of the twat you're about to
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
3. If she is a "twat" why are you with her, and wanna marry her?
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
5. Haven;t you heard of love?
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 13:50:57 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
And you know what? It is. It's a massively important day.
It's the day that you should realistically sit down with your future
solicitor and "get informed" as to exactly how much it's going to
Post by Seven Nation Amy
both emotionally and financially, to get rid of the twat you're about
to marry.
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
You'd be amazed.
Post by Gee
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
A 6ft trucker from Barnsley... ?
Post by Gee
3. If she is a "twat" why are you with her, and wanna marry her?
Well hell. That's a question and a half. Um... I'm not sure I could put
up with a woman who was a twat. But the fact that I am still entertaining
you is an example of my extreme patience... so maybe I could.
Post by Gee
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
Post by Gee
5. Haven;t you heard of love?
Love is an urban myth, darlin'
Post by Gee
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
No. I think if one can manage to rid one's self of said twat, one can then
set about standing on the head of the "twat" gene, until it's floating,
face down in the deep end of the gene pool.
2003-12-09 18:42:53 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
, to get rid of the twat you're about to marry.
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
You'd be amazed.
Yeah she probably either doesn;t speak English, or is about to use you for
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
A 6ft trucker from Barnsley... ?
Naah. You are who you mingle with. So if she is a twat, you are a bigger
one: 6ft Twat.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
3. If she is a "twat" why are you with her, and wanna marry her?
Well hell. That's a question and a half. Um... I'm not sure I could put
up with a woman who was a twat. But the fact that I am still entertaining
you is an example of my extreme patience... so maybe I could.
He he, you are entertaining me actually. You are good for laugh. As for
trying to insult me, you have no chance. I chew men like you and spit them
out everyday. Plus I know my worth, so your or anyone else's opinion means
jack to me really.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
Whateva turns you on.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
5. Haven;t you heard of love?
Love is an urban myth, darlin'
For today's men, it probably is acutally.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
That's not possible. Twat gene would already passed on down the line.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I think if one can manage to rid one's self of said twat, one can then
set about standing on the head of the "twat" gene, until it's floating,
face down in the deep end of the gene pool.
So if you get rid of the said twat, then why does it bother you what happen
to her twat gene. Unless of course you were talking about standing on your
own twat gene. he he
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 19:51:40 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
, to get rid of the twat you're about to marry.
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
You'd be amazed.
Yeah she probably either doesn;t speak English, or is about to use you for
Or maybe she doesn't understand English, hehe.
Post by Gee
trying to insult me, you have no chance. I chew men like you and spit them
out everyday. Plus I know my worth
Ah, so you had to go on one of those confidence building courses after the
split ?
Post by Gee
so your or anyone else's opinion means jack to me really.
Yeh i can see that is one of your best qualities.
2003-12-09 21:08:32 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
Yeah she probably either doesn;t speak English, or is about to use you for
Or maybe she doesn't understand English, hehe.
Or that.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
trying to insult me, you have no chance. I chew men like you and spit them
out everyday. Plus I know my worth
Ah, so you had to go on one of those confidence building courses after the
split ?
He he he he. Typical male comment. I didn;t expect anything more intelligent
from you. he he
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
so your or anyone else's opinion means jack to me really.
Yeh i can see that is one of your best qualities.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 20:07:57 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
, to get rid of the twat you're about to marry.
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
You'd be amazed.
Yeah she probably either doesn;t speak English,
So you're prejudiced too? Is there any beginning to your good side?
Post by Gee
or is about to use you for something.
Everyone "uses" each other for something. Although I strongly suspect you
are still a virgin and have never had a relationship with another man,
woman or beast.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
A 6ft trucker from Barnsley... ?
Naah. You are who you mingle with. So if she is a twat, you are a
bigger one: 6ft Twat.
You seem to assume a lot of things. Have you ever tried not being quite so
judgemental of people?

You might find you'll grow old with something other than a TV guide, that
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
3. If she is a "twat" why are you with her, and wanna marry her?
Well hell. That's a question and a half. Um... I'm not sure I could
put up with a woman who was a twat. But the fact that I am still
entertaining you is an example of my extreme patience... so maybe I
He he, you are entertaining me actually.
Good. Very little point in my replying otherwise.
Post by Gee
You are good for laugh.
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
Post by Gee
for trying to insult me, you have no chance.
You insult yourself, mate. No one needs to do that for you.
Post by Gee
I chew men like you and spit them out everyday.
So you're female then? Right.
Post by Gee
Plus I know my worth,
A good shag in the back of the Ford Escort?
Post by Gee
so your or anyone else's
opinion means jack to me really.
So how come you keep coming back for more of it?
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
Whateva turns you on.
Look it up.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
5. Haven;t you heard of love?
Love is an urban myth, darlin'
For today's men, it probably is acutally.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
That's not possible. Twat gene would already passed on down the line.
What's that got to do with what I'd name my children?
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I think if one can manage to rid one's self of said twat, one can then
set about standing on the head of the "twat" gene, until it's
floating, face down in the deep end of the gene pool.
So if you get rid of the said twat, then why does it bother you what
happen to her twat gene.
Unless of course you were talking about
standing on your own twat gene. he he
Are you drunk?
2003-12-09 20:45:46 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:05:57 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
Well that's no good for a titwank!

Hey... I could get used to this.
2003-12-09 21:22:22 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
He he he he. Hence the Sun wanting me to pose for them he he he he.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:27:58 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat
and flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
He he he he. Hence the Sun wanting me to pose for them he he he he.
Yeah. They aren't allowed to print pictures of *real* dead people.
2003-12-09 21:28:24 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
He he he he. Hence the Sun wanting me to pose for them he he he he.
Its ok hon. No such thing as a bad tit.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:50:47 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
He he he he. Hence the Sun wanting me to pose for them he he he he.
Ah i was right, y'know you looked far better in the first piccy, look like a
couple of eggs gone wrong now.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:49:51 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you. You're probably fat and
flat chested anyhow.
She's got them fried egg titties.
Hey i must of seen her piccy in the Sun today then :-)
2003-12-09 21:21:34 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
1.With this kind of outlook, I doubt any woman will ever WANT to marry you.
You'd be amazed.
Yeah she probably either doesn;t speak English,
So you're prejudiced too?
HUH? How is that prejudice????????????? Honestly, how DO YOU MEN manage to
twist everything really makes me laugh! My comment OBVIOUSLY meant that she
if she is foreign, she wouldn;t understand his bubbling rubbish therefore
would marry him. Nothing to do with prejudice. Daah!
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Is there any beginning to your good side?
I am still talking to you! He he.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
or is about to use you for something.
Everyone "uses" each other for something. Although I strongly suspect you
are still a virgin and have never had a relationship with another man,
woman or beast.
LOL. Yeah, even my hubby is laughing now he he.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
A 6ft trucker from Barnsley... ?
Naah. You are who you mingle with. So if she is a twat, you are a
bigger one: 6ft Twat.
You seem to assume a lot of things. Have you ever tried not being quite so
judgemental of people?
Excuse me? I am the judgemental one? And he who calls women names such as
TWAT is not? Also he who calls women virgins? Sure, I am the judgmental

Think before you speak man!
Post by Seven Nation Amy
You might find you'll grow old with something other than a TV guide, that
LOL. read previous answer
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
You are good for laugh.
Yeah, ok. Save it. I'm not interested in you.
Thanks God!
Post by Seven Nation Amy
You're probably fat and flat chested anyhow.
HA HA HA HA :) Think what you like, becuase you'll never gonna find out! he
he he he.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
As for trying to insult me, you have no chance.
You insult yourself, mate. No one needs to do that for you.
I am not your mate. And NO, I never insulted myself of course, it was
actually you who can;t handle my answers, the truth, and my counter
arguments, so you stoop down to insluts like this.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I chew men like you and spit them out everyday.
So you're female then? Right.
Yeap. And my hubby is not really complaining he he.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Plus I know my worth,
A good shag in the back of the Ford Escort?
I am not you mate.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
so your or anyone else's opinion means jack to me really.
So how come you keep coming back for more of it?
More of what? Laughing at you guys? You entertain me !
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
Whateva turns you on.
Look it up.
You too.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
That's not possible. Twat gene would already passed on down the line.
What's that got to do with what I'd name my children?
Read the previous posts and catch up first then. The guy was calling a
woman he is about to marry a twat.Hence my question and relevant answers.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I think if one can manage to rid one's self of said twat, one can
then set about standing on the head of the "twat" gene, until it's
floating, face down in the deep end of the gene pool.
So if you get rid of the said twat, then why does it bother you what
happen to her twat gene.
Unless of course you were talking about
standing on your own twat gene. he he
Are you drunk?
Are you dumb?
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:39:17 UTC
Post by Gee
LOL. Yeah, even my hubby is laughing now he he.
Awww. The two of you sat there giggling at posts to Usenet? Ain't that

Go get laid or something, ffs.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
2.If she is a "twat", what does that make you?
A 6ft trucker from Barnsley... ?
Naah. You are who you mingle with. So if she is a twat, you are a
bigger one: 6ft Twat.
You seem to assume a lot of things. Have you ever tried not being
Post by Seven Nation Amy
judgemental of people?
Excuse me?
You fart, love?
Post by Gee
I am the judgemental one? And he who calls women names such
as TWAT is not?
Are you trying to tell me that there are no women out there who are twats?
Post by Gee
Also he who calls women virgins?
There are few who would take it as an insult.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
As for trying to insult me, you have no chance.
You insult yourself, mate. No one needs to do that for you.
I am not your mate. And NO, I never insulted myself of course,
Sure you have. Every post you made, after your first, was an insult to
womankind and yourself.
Post by Gee
it was
actually you who can;t handle my answers, the truth, and my counter
arguments, so you stoop down to insluts like this.
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I chew men like you and spit them out everyday.
So you're female then? Right.
Yeap. And my hubby is not really complaining he he.
Well he wouldn't, at least not to you. Find out which barmaid's cleavage
he -is- complaining to though and be sure to let us know.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Plus I know my worth,
A good shag in the back of the Ford Escort?
I am not you mate.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
so your or anyone else's opinion means jack to me really.
So how come you keep coming back for more of it?
More of what? Laughing at you guys? You entertain me !
But we wouldn't if our opinions really meant jack shit. That's the point.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
4. Haven't you heard of prenuptuals?
Whateva turns you on.
Look it up.
You too.
I don't need to. Really.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
6. Would you call your kids with her twats as well?
That's not possible. Twat gene would already passed on down the line.
What's that got to do with what I'd name my children?
Read the previous posts and catch up first then. The guy was calling
a woman he is about to marry a twat.Hence my question and relevant
Deffo pissed.

Or depressed.
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
I think if one can manage to rid one's self of said twat, one can
then set about standing on the head of the "twat" gene, until it's
floating, face down in the deep end of the gene pool.
So if you get rid of the said twat, then why does it bother you
what happen to her twat gene.
Unless of course you were talking about
standing on your own twat gene. he he
Are you drunk?
Are you dumb?
I might be. Next to you, however, I am looking good.
Jay Kaner
2003-12-09 22:58:45 UTC
Post by Gee
LOL. Yeah, even my hubby is laughing now he he.
He remembers how to do it?
2003-12-08 12:29:17 UTC
Post by Gee
From my expirience men consider themselves to either be "indipendent" or
"tide down". There doesn;t seem to be anything in between. Please do
correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you are.
And the explanation of your statement is.....??? Where?
Post by Gee
So you are saying that you'd rather loose a woman you love, then commit in
fear of hurting her? CMON!
Well, if that is how men think, then I have to give up and continue laughing
in dispair!
Post by Gee
From reading various relationship books, and knowing many women, this
Post by Gee
to be only the excuse MEN use to not commit. I'm sorry guys, not trying to
be chovinistic here, but me and my girls all believe this to be just an
excuse and the real reason behind it is the men being afraid of being tide
down, and having sex with ONLY one woman for a long time.
Most of those relationship books are written by women aren't they ?
No. But this is a common male opinion. In fact the most popular relationship
books are written by John Gray.
Maybe you read too much :-)
Maybe you read too little. Scared of realising your mistakes?

Furthermore, most my opinions do not come from books, but from real life and
speaking to other women. Being typical male you have only taken out of my
statement what it suited you for your abusive statement. But it doesn;t work
with me, nor with any woman really, even though you think it does he he.
Maybe men use thier brains more and think about the implications of
marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the thought of getting
married and everything that goes with it.
And what implications would those be you are so worried about? Having sex
with one woman only? And which brains are we talking about he he.

Perhaps if you looked at the merrage and relationship a bit differently and
relax a little, instead of throwing male tantrums, the life would be easier.
Perhaps having a wife and family IS something to cherish and appreciatte
instead to be scared of. You don;t have to admit to me, but you know very
well the real reason for men thinking with their "brains" when it comes to
In this day and age so many woman are unfaithful or just out to milk what
they can if it doesn't work out and the law is sadly heavily biased to the
the woman in such cases both in terms of housing, money, support, access to
kids etc.
Actually I agree with you on this. Some women are only after money, and the
law is to an extent biased towards women. But not half as much as you may
think. The law was "unable" to find a father of my freinds kid for 16 years
so they can get him to pay the child maintenance of ridiculous few pounds a
month! Now did this help her bring the baby on her own for 16 years, pay
for everything herself, and him having fun and having life. Why did he want
a kid when he couldn;t find it worth minimum child maintenance amount. He is
not a man, he is an idiot, and unfortunately there is too many of those in
the world, hence the law "supposedly" being on woman's side.
I would have to be very sure before i married, and even then i would want an
agreement to allow me to keep 100% of my belongings and my house which is
after all mine if things cooled off, wtf should a woman be entitled to half
of something that i've worked all my life to gain.
And what about kids in this case? Are you saying you'd not give a penny
towards them? Do you have any idea how much kids cost? How would you sort
that out in your prenuptual?
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 20:48:16 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
From my expirience men consider themselves to either be "indipendent" or
"tide down". There doesn;t seem to be anything in between. Please do
correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you are.
And the explanation of your statement is.....??? Where?
Just my opinion bieng a man like.
Post by Gee
Being typical male you have only taken out of my
statement what it suited you for your abusive statement.
What abusive statement, do you work for Freeserve abuse dept. by any chance
Post by Gee
But it doesn;t work
with me, nor with any woman really, even though you think it does he he.
Very childish.
Post by Gee
Maybe men use thier brains more and think about the implications of
marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the thought of
married and everything that goes with it.
And what implications would those be you are so worried about? Having sex
with one woman only? And which brains are we talking about he he.
You are just being a silly gurlie now, not worth a comment.
Post by Gee
Perhaps if you looked at the merrage and relationship a bit differently and
relax a little, instead of throwing male tantrums, the life would be easier.
You've lost the plot.
Post by Gee
Perhaps having a wife and family IS something to cherish and appreciatte
instead to be scared of.
And now you are twisting things, i never said it was.
Post by Gee
You don;t have to admit to me, but you know very
well the real reason for men thinking with their "brains" when it comes to
Post by Gee
In this day and age so many woman are unfaithful or just out to milk what
they can if it doesn't work out and the law is sadly heavily biased to the
the woman in such cases both in terms of housing, money, support, access
kids etc.
Actually I agree with you on this. Some women are only after money, and the
law is to an extent biased towards women. But not half as much as you may
think. The law was "unable" to find a father of my freinds kid for 16 years
so they can get him to pay the child maintenance of ridiculous few pounds a
month! Now did this help her bring the baby on her own for 16 years.
Did she forget who she shagged ?
Did she never find another man ?
Post by Gee
for everything herself, and him having fun and having life. Why did he want
a kid when he couldn;t find it worth minimum child maintenance amount. He is
not a man, he is an idiot, and unfortunately there is too many of those in
the world, hence the law "supposedly" being on woman's side.
Why did he pay so little, was he unemployed, in debt or what ?
It takes two to have a baby and it's not that difficult to see if you can
afford it.
To many people just have unprotected sex without anythought for what happens
if a pregancy is the result.
Post by Gee
I would have to be very sure before i married, and even then i would
Post by Gee
agreement to allow me to keep 100% of my belongings and my house which is
after all mine if things cooled off, wtf should a woman be entitled to
of something that i've worked all my life to gain.
And what about kids in this case? Are you saying you'd not give a penny
towards them?
Not at all, but if the woman goes of and finds another fella, why should the
one she dumped have to support the family when another bloke is effectively
now their dad and should be willing to provide for the children if he takes
her on.
I was merely commenting on the ease with which a woman can marry, divorce
and then be entitled to half the mans property etc, even though he paid for
it all himself. Also how hard would it be in reverse if a man lived in a
womans house and married, he'd have hell of job getting anything, and what
about maintenance fron a working woman hey ?
Post by Gee
Do you have any idea how much kids cost?
2003-12-09 04:20:14 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
From my expirience men consider themselves to either be
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Gee
"tide down". There doesn;t seem to be anything in between. Please do
correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you are.
And the explanation of your statement is.....??? Where?
Just my opinion bieng a man like.
You didn;t provide a counter argument to my statement. You only provided the
begining of it, with sentence left unfinished. I did ask to be corrected if
I was wrong. You didn;t explain why am I wrong.

do you work for Freeserve abuse dept. by any chance

Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
But it doesn;t work
with me, nor with any woman really, even though you think it does he he.
Very childish.
Which part exactly do you consider childish? Me telling you that women can
see through guys like you, or me laughing at you?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Maybe men use thier brains more
And what implications would those be you are so worried about? Having
sex with one woman only? And which brains are we talking about he he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You are just being a silly gurlie now, not worth a comment.
Why? Becuase the truth hurts?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Perhaps if you looked at the merrage and relationship a bit differently
and relax a little, instead of throwing male tantrums, the life would be
You've lost the plot.
Like I just said-another male tantrum over nothing.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Perhaps having a wife and family IS something to cherish and appreciatte
instead to be scared of.
And now you are twisting things, i never said it was.
No you didn;t say you are SCARED of it, but do give me a better word which
will explain what you said "Maybe men use thier brains more and think about
the implications of marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the
thought of getting married and everything that goes with it".
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
You don;t have to admit to me, but you know very
well the real reason for men thinking with their "brains" when it comes to
It means you men are scared of commiting to and sleeping with one woman only
for the rest of their days!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
. The law was "unable" to find a father of my freinds kid for 16 years so
they >>can get him to pay the child maintenance of ridiculous few pounds a
month! >>Now did this help her bring the baby on her own for 16 years.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Did she forget who she shagged ?
What kind of a sad pathetic comment is that? And what is her sex life got to
do with CSA not being able to find the git for 16 years?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Did she never find another man ?
Of course she did, what does THAT have to do with the FATHER of the child
forkind out some dosh for his own child????????
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Why did he pay so little, was he unemployed, in debt or what ?
He didn;t pay nothing for 16 years becuase he was evading CSA, kept moving
or saying he didn;t work, when he would etc. CSA, being a goverment agency,
doesn;t really have time, enough rights, or resources to chase all the idiot
fathers who think they can make babies then not pay a penny towards the
child care. Finally she tracked him down, and told CSA, who finally was able
to enforce the law and make him back pay. Except that obviously he can only
pay so much monthly as we are talking of 16 years of backpay.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
It takes two to have a baby and it's not that difficult to see if you can
afford it.
You would be surprised how many men, or women for that matter, do not see
this until they have a kid.

Howver in my friends case, this baby WAS planned, he wanted it and insisted
on it, then when the going got tuff he took off.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
To many people just have unprotected sex without anythought for what
happens if a pregancy is the result.

I agree, too many people do. In fact, I strongly believe that people should
pass a test before they are allowed kids. Becuase many people do not have a
clue what huge responsibility in EVERY way the kid is, nor how to train it.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
if the woman goes of and finds another fella, why should the
one she dumped have to support the family when another bloke is effectively
now their dad and should be willing to provide for the children if he takes
her on.
First, he would not be supporting the family, he would be providing for HIS

Second, NOBODY can replace your father or mother. No matter how good they
are. You are only looking from financial point of view, which is very sad.
What about the child's feelings for a father? What about his feelings for a
child? Does he NOT want his child to have decent clothes, decent food, or
new toy or whateva?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I was merely commenting on the ease with which a woman can marry, divorce
and then be entitled to half the mans property etc, even though he paid for
it all himself.
I don;t think she is automatically entitled to half, just as soon as she
marries a guy. However if they have lived together for years, and she has
not only given him children, but also had a huge input in raising his
children, supporting him, looking after him and the house, then hell yeah,
she should get the half. She has given HIM much more then he could EVER
repay.Half of the house is really nothing in comparasment to giving birth!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Also how hard would it be in reverse if a man lived in a
womans house and married, he'd have hell of job getting anything, and what
about maintenance fron a working woman hey ?
I suppose if he gave birth to kids, carried the family, cleaned, cooked,
decorated, been a "mother" to the children etc, then yeah, he SHOULD get
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Do you have any idea how much kids cost?
I don;t think you do, sorry, but I am judjing by your above statements. All
you are talking is money, and how to avoid paying it for kids. You EXPECT a
mother to do all the work and find all the dosh? Like you said you made them
together, you share the costs together. Forever. End of story.

Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 18:55:36 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
But it doesn;t work
with me, nor with any woman really, even though you think it does he he.
Very childish.
Which part exactly do you consider childish? Me telling you that women can
see through guys like you, or me laughing at you?
The silly he he bit at the end, the rest is just drivel IMO.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Maybe men use thier brains more
And what implications would those be you are so worried about? Having
sex with one woman only? And which brains are we talking about he he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You are just being a silly gurlie now, not worth a comment.
Why? Becuase the truth hurts?
Don't talk rubbish.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Perhaps if you looked at the merrage and relationship a bit differently
and relax a little, instead of throwing male tantrums, the life would be
You've lost the plot.
Like I just said-another male tantrum over nothing.
You call having foresight a tantrum, do you just let your emotions rule your
brain and march into anything ?
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Perhaps having a wife and family IS something to cherish and appreciatte
instead to be scared of.
And now you are twisting things, i never said it was.
No you didn;t say you are SCARED of it
I know, glad we agree, thanks, goodbye :-)

, but do give me a better word which
Post by Gee
will explain what you said "Maybe men use thier brains more and think about
the implications of marraige, women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the
thought of getting married and everything that goes with it".
I don't think it could be much plainer.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
You don;t have to admit to me, but you know very
well the real reason for men thinking with their "brains" when it
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
It means you men are scared of commiting to and sleeping with one woman only
for the rest of their days!
Rubbish, the only thig i'm scared of is losing my kids, my home and half my
dosh if she gets bored of me or i get bored of her, after all women are said
to often go off anything to do with sex after having kids.
Ok so you believe when a women marries she will always love you, never be
unfaithful etc (assuming you don't mistreat her).
It's a nice dream but get real.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
. The law was "unable" to find a father of my freinds kid for 16 years so
they >>can get him to pay the child maintenance of ridiculous few pounds a
month! >>Now did this help her bring the baby on her own for 16 years.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Did she forget who she shagged ?
What kind of a sad pathetic comment is that? And what is her sex life got to
do with CSA not being able to find the git for 16 years?
Well it casn't be that hard to know where someone is surely, especially
someone you know well and who's friends and family you also know well.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Did she never find another man ?
Of course she did, what does THAT have to do with the FATHER of the child
forkind out some dosh for his own child????????
See my comments elsewhere.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
It takes two to have a baby and it's not that difficult to see if you can
afford it.
You would be surprised how many men, or women for that matter, do not see
this until they have a kid.
Post by Gee
Howver in my friends case, this baby WAS planned, he wanted it and insisted
on it, then when the going got tuff he took off.
The going got tuff ?
I wonder what that means, she probably started bitching him and lost
interest in sex.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
To many people just have unprotected sex without anythought for what
happens if a pregancy is the result.
I agree, too many people do. In fact, I strongly believe that people should
pass a test before they are allowed kids. Becuase many people do not have a
clue what huge responsibility in EVERY way the kid is, nor how to train it.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
if the woman goes of and finds another fella, why should the
one she dumped have to support the family when another bloke is
Post by Grimly Fiendish
now their dad and should be willing to provide for the children if he
Post by Grimly Fiendish
her on.
First, he would not be supporting the family, he would be providing for HIS
No he would be supporting someone elses family as the the woman now has a
new partner who has accepted her and her kids and will now support his
newfound "family"
I wonder if you would feel the same if your husband (if you have one) left
you, taking the kids and living with another woman, you would be happy to
pay maintenance yes ?
Post by Gee
Second, NOBODY can replace your father or mother. No matter how good they
Or how bad eh ?
Post by Gee
You are only looking from financial point of view, which is very sad.
What about the child's feelings for a father?
But so are you, an ex father doesn't need to pay for his ex's new family to
show he loves the kids.
Post by Gee
What about his feelings for a child? Does he NOT want his child to have
decent clothes, decent food, or
Post by Gee
new toy or whateva?
Maybe, if he can get over the pain of being dumped, but that should be his
choice, not forced upon him.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I was merely commenting on the ease with which a woman can marry, divorce
and then be entitled to half the mans property etc, even though he paid
Post by Grimly Fiendish
it all himself.
I don;t think she is automatically entitled to half, just as soon as she
marries a guy.
I think you'll find she is.
Post by Gee
However if they have lived together for years, and she has
not only given him children
Err, without his sperm she wouldn't have children.
Post by Gee
but also had a huge input in raising his children
As i would hope the father has also.
Post by Gee
supporting him
Men are still usually the main breadwinners

looking after him

And of course him looking after her

and the house

As does the man

then hell yeah,
Post by Gee
she should get the half.

You are selfish, have one way tunnel vision and a hang up about the sexes, i
just think the law is far too biased for women
and the equal rights thing has gone to far the other way in some aspects,
where men don't seem to have the same rights or advantages as women. The law
etc is still based on the fact that the man is the breadwinner and the woman
is the potwasher and cleaner.

She has given HIM much more then he could EVER repay.

Rubbish (see above comments), you really do think you are superior to men
don't you ?

Half of the house is really nothing in comparasment to giving birth!

Yeh right, and don't blame men for nature.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Also how hard would it be in reverse if a man lived in a
womans house and married, he'd have hell of job getting anything, and what
about maintenance fron a working woman hey ?
I suppose if he gave birth to kids
He provided the means and probably made most of the effort during
Post by Gee
carried the family
And who paid for most of the food, clothes, upkeep of the house, bills,
transport, outings, drinks, presents etc etc, women have expensive tastes
and as you say kids cost a fortune.

cleaned, cooked

While the man slaved away digging holes in the road in hot or freezing/wet
wether all day to earn the money to keep the family.
Post by Gee
Not seen many women painting windows, doors, eaves etc lately, if your lucky
theuy might slap a bit of emulsion on the walls and stick some silly border
or pics around the house and call it decorating.

been a "mother" to the children etc

And the father ?

Everything seems to be so onesided to you, you make it sound like all the
father does is sit on his arse all day watching TV while the woman has a
full time job, pays for everything ,does all the housework and looks after
the kids.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Do you have any idea how much kids cost?
I don;t think you do, sorry, but I am judjing by your above statements. All
you are talking is money, and how to avoid paying it for kids. You EXPECT a
mother to do all the work and find all the dosh?
She doesn't need to if she has another man, if she remains single then yes
the father should pay something towards the kids upkeep assuming the woman
doesn't have a job and doesn't get 20K+ a year.

Like you said you made them
Post by Gee
together, you share the costs together. Forever. End of story.
No, it's part of a package, if you as a woman marry and have kids then you
remain faithful and keep it a family, if you choose to break the marraige
vow and live with another man then it his no longer his family and he should
not have to support them if the woman has a new breadwinner.
2003-12-09 20:34:23 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
But it doesn;t work with me, nor with any woman really, even though
you think it does he he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Very childish.
Which part exactly do you consider childish? Me telling you that women can
see through guys like you, or me laughing at you?
The silly he he bit at the end, the rest is just drivel IMO.
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
And what implications would those be you are so worried about?
Having sex with one woman only? And which brains are we talking about he he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You are just being a silly gurlie now, not worth a comment.
Why? Becuase the truth hurts?
Don't talk rubbish.
And here we go again.....Thruth does hurt then.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Perhaps if you looked at the merrage and relationship a bit
differently and relax a little, instead of throwing male tantrums, the
life would be
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You've lost the plot.
Like I just said-another male tantrum over nothing.
You call having foresight a tantrum, do you just let your emotions rule your
brain and march into anything ?
No, of course not. But I do let my emotions come into my life. Men should do
that too a bit more.

What I called a tantrum was your unsuitable and uncalled for abusive
language after I said something u simply didn;t agree with.Which is what men
do all the time, hence -throwing tantrums over nothing.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Perhaps having a wife and family IS something to cherish and
appreciatte instead to be scared of.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
And now you are twisting things, i never said it was.
No you didn;t say you are SCARED of it
I know, glad we agree, thanks, goodbye :-)
Perhaps if you finish reading the sentence first before jumping to
Post by Grimly Fiendish
, but do give me a better word which will explain what you said "Maybe
men use thier brains more and think about the implications of marraige,
women go all weak kneed and google eyed at the thought of getting married
and everything that goes with it".
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I don't think it could be much plainer.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You don;t have to admit to me, but you know very
well the real reason for men thinking with their "brains" when it
comes to marriage.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
It means you men are scared of commiting to and sleeping with one woman
only for the rest of their days!
Rubbish, the only thig i'm scared of
NOW u are scared of that, but we were talking before marrige feelings not
Post by Grimly Fiendish
?is losing my kids, my home and half my
dosh if she gets bored of me or i get bored of her,
I do see your point there, yes it can be worrying loosing your kids.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
after all women are said to often go off anything to do with sex after
having kids.

Dunno about that. Maybe straight after - yes. But once it all heals down
there, and kid stops screaming 247, and providing she has some help to rest,
of course she should get the romantic feelings back.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Ok so you believe when a women marries she will always love you, never be
unfaithful etc (assuming you don't mistreat her). It's a nice dream but
get real.

I know what you are saying. I am real. I know love don;t last forever. I
don;t expect it to. But fairness should, and respect should, and if they
decide to part, it should amicable, if nothing else for the sake of kids. I
do believe in prenuptual. But I do bleive in womens rights as well. She gave
you kids. No house can compare to that!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Well it casn't be that hard to know where someone is surely, especially
someone you know well and who's friends and family you also know well.
You would be surprised how difficult is to find someone in UK. As I said it
took them 16 years to nail the bust##d. Everytime they did find him, he'd
loose the job so he wouldn;t have to pay, or he'd move, or he'd do
Post by Grimly Fiendish
See my comments elsewhere.
Father of a child should be responsible for his child,a nd not to expect
some other dude to do his job. End of story.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Howver in my friends case, this baby WAS planned, he wanted it and
insisted on it, then when the going got tuff he took off.
The going got tuff ?
I wonder what that means, she probably started bitching him and lost
interest in sex.
<sigh> I will not even bother repliying to such pathetic comment.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
First, he would not be supporting the family, he would be providing for
HIS children.
No he would be supporting someone elses family as the the woman now has a
new partner who has accepted her and her kids and will now support his
newfound "family"
HELLO!! They are still YOUR kids! Not his! You are giving money for YOUR
kid, not to support her or him! You are giving money to support YOUR child!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I wonder if you would feel the same if your husband (if you have one) left
you, taking the kids and living with another woman, you would be happy to
pay maintenance yes ?
The love for my children is greater then anything in the world. I would do
anything possible to get them back, and if I cannot, I would make sure they
are well off, and would give every penny I have for them! They are MY kids,
and of course I wanna see them be happy and well! DAAH! Stupid question.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
an ex father doesn't need to pay for his ex's new family to show he loves
the kids.

He doesn;t. He'd pay for his own children.Or are they his EX kids as well!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
What about his feelings for a child? Does he NOT want his child to have
decent clothes, decent food, or new toy or whateva?
Maybe, if he can get over the pain of being dumped, but that should be his
choice, not forced upon him.
IF he can get over...!!!!!!!!!!! OH COMON!!!!!!! What does what SHE has
done to him have to do with his feelings for his CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men should stop taking the blame out on children! Give those kids the money
they need for scool, clothes etc, and get over your wife in your own time
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
I don;t think she is automatically entitled to half, just as soon as she
marries a guy.
I think you'll find she is.
Ok if you say so, I am not a lawyer, sonot gonna argue. But what if there
was a prenuptual?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Err, without his sperm she wouldn't have children.
Oh yeah! Giving woman a sperm is EQUAL to her MAKING a person inside of her,
giving it her best bits, carrying it around for 9 months in pain and
discomfort, then finally going through agonizing pain of giving it birth!Not
to mantion looking and bringing up the kid for the next 20 years while men
is nowhere to be seen mostly. yeah I can see how that is equal addition to
making a child!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
but also had a huge input in raising his children
As i would hope the father has also.
If you can tell me you have done exaclty 50/50 to what your wife has done
for those kids, I will accept your comment.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
supporting him
Men are still usually the main breadwinners
Not true. In most of the couples both sexes work and bring money in. However
when I said "supporting him" I meant in other ways as well: cook for him,
wash, iron, look after the kids for him-becuase men just really don;t-,
entertain business partners etc. Yes some men will do all the baove things,
but how often and how many men, that is another question.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
looking after him
And of course him looking after her
Hmm...Maybe financially if she is not working. Emotianlly-I doubt.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
and the house
As does the man
Men look after the house? Yeah as if.Maybe 1 in a million.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
then hell yeah, she should get the half.
Again, you retreit to abuse just because you disagree. See what I;m saying?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You are selfish, have one way tunnel vision and a hang up about the sexes
OK, that is your opiion. Just curious: how did you come to conclusion that I
am selfish?

As for One way tunnell vision? Well, when you give men all the chances, and
they are still the same, then you can;t really enlarge your vision, can you.

have a hang up about sexes? Hmm...Strangely I have more male friends then
female ones. I have a job that is traditionally considered man's job
therefore work with lots of men. They don;t think I have a hang up. becuase
they know I am right and most are not afraid to admit it.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
just think the law is far too biased for women
and the equal rights thing has gone to far the other way in some aspects,
where men don't seem to have the same rights or advantages as women. The
law etc is still based on the fact that the man is the breadwinner and the
Post by Grimly Fiendish
is the potwasher and cleaner.
You have a point, yes law is old, and has to be changed, and married men can
stay with very little after divorce.

Saying that, if you look at the stats for the reasons for divorce,
infidelity on man's part is on the top, therefore, he really ask for it
didn;t he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
She has given HIM much more then he could EVER repay.
Rubbish (see above comments), you really do think you are superior to men
don't you ?
Of couse. it's a fact, not an opinion. All women are, not just me. When you
make a baby, or be able to put up with the pain of giving birth, we can talk
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Half of the house is really nothing in comparasment to giving birth!
Yeh right, and don't blame men for nature.
I don;t blame them for nature. I blame the fact that they dont; respect
women,a nd that it took 20 centuries for women to get some rights!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
I suppose if he gave birth to kids
He provided the means and probably made most of the effort during
LOLOLOLOL Yeah , as I described earlier, he has really done an EQUAL job in
MAKING a child, carrying it , giving it life and going through agonizing
pain of birth, then looking after it for 2- years.Yeah, MOST effort! AS IF!

I still can;t stop laughing he he.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
carried the family
And who paid for most of the food, clothes, upkeep of the house, bills,
transport, outings, drinks, presents etc etc, women have expensive tastes
and as you say kids cost a fortune.
The wife mostly. He proabbly spend most of his money on cars, football,
computer games, golf clubs, lovers etc.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
cleaned, cooked
While the man slaved away digging holes in the road in hot or freezing/wet
wether all day to earn the money to keep the family.
And you think cleaning the house is NOT a physical job? Jeez. Ever scrubbed
the carpet? Washed the windows? Washed clothes on hand? No, when you do call
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Not seen many women painting windows, doors, eaves etc lately, if your lucky
theuy might slap a bit of emulsion on the walls and stick some silly border
or pics around the house and call it decorating.
Actually it is currently very trendy in UK house redecorating. They are the
most popular shows on TV nowdays, and many women are realising that
decorating is not dificult, and go and do lots more then slap some paint as
you put it. I for one have done DIY plumbing, wall plastering, tiling and
even made a desk, all succesfully and equal to any proffesional would do
it.And so have all my girlfriends.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
been a "mother" to the children etc
And the father ?
No, I said MOTHER for a reason.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Everything seems to be so onesided to you, you make it sound like all the
father does is sit on his arse all day watching TV while the woman has a
full time job, pays for everything ,does all the housework and looks after
the kids.
You just discribed my dad! And I am dead serious. He was exactly like that.
Fine my partner is not that bad, but he does think that he has done his part
by bringing in the money,and moans about every. Well there is more to
looking after family then money. Emotions is what I am talking about.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You EXPECTa mother to do all the work and find all the dosh?
She doesn't need to if she has another man, if she remains single then yes
the father should pay something towards the kids upkeep assuming the woman
doesn't have a job and doesn't get 20K+ a year.
20 K a year is nothing and berely covering the bills. especially if you live
in London like me. 20K for a woman and two kids would be aboslute murder.

But even if the woman has another man, the father should still be liable to
pay for his kids. They are HIS kids after all.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Like you said you made them together, you share the costs together.
Forever. End of story.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
No, it's part of a package, if you as a woman marry and have kids then you
remain faithful and keep it a family, if you choose to break the marraige
vow and live with another man then it his no longer his family and he should
not have to support them if the woman has a new breadwinner.
So what, if your wife lives you, you will suddenly loose all the feelings
you have for your kids? your kids are your kids! theya re NOT your wife or
ex wife. They are YOUR BLOOD! How can you possibly just WANT to ignore them!
2003-12-09 20:44:12 UTC
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
You're doing a fine job of abusing yourself ya dumb krunt. Go dye yer
hair blonde, Idiot.
2003-12-09 21:23:17 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
You're doing a fine job of abusing yourself ya dumb krunt. Go dye yer
hair blonde, Idiot.
H eh e he he. Another male ego touched! he he he.
2003-12-09 21:30:16 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
You're doing a fine job of abusing yourself ya dumb krunt. Go dye yer
hair blonde, Idiot.
H eh e he he. Another male ego touched! he he he.
Another blonde trying to get into my pants. Oh its a rough life I
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:44:43 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
You're doing a fine job of abusing yourself ya dumb krunt. Go dye yer
hair blonde, Idiot.
H eh e he he. Another male ego touched! he he he.
You must have descended from a Hyena, prolly why you like cats so much.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:43:30 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
You're doing a fine job of abusing yourself ya dumb krunt. Go dye yer
hair blonde, Idiot.
Now that really is funny LOL.
Mike Garcia
2003-12-09 20:53:36 UTC
snip snip>
"wall plastering??????????" You wouldn't know a hawk from a handsaw!
(Thanks, Bill.)
2003-12-09 21:23:54 UTC
Post by Mike Garcia
snip snip>
"wall plastering??????????" You wouldn't know a hawk from a handsaw!
(Thanks, Bill.)
That would still make me more intelligent then you then he he
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:46:05 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Mike Garcia
snip snip>
"wall plastering??????????" You wouldn't know a hawk from a handsaw!
(Thanks, Bill.)
That would still make me more intelligent then you then he he
There's that he he again, you really should seek medical help for that.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:48:49 UTC
Post by Mike Garcia
snip snip>
"wall plastering??????????" You wouldn't know a hawk from a handsaw!
(Thanks, Bill.)
That's a good point, prolly thinks a hawk is a big blackbird :-)
Wonder if she knows what the different types of plaster are, how to mix them
where to put them, what thickness to apply them etc etc :-))
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:31:09 UTC
Post by Gee
YOU would consider it drivel wouldn;t you, he he. Becuase you know I'm right
and as a man you'd rather abuse then admit to being wrong he he he!
Struggling with the therapy ?
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You call having foresight a tantrum, do you just let your emotions rule
Post by Grimly Fiendish
brain and march into anything ?
No, of course not. But I do let my emotions come into my life.
Ah so i was right right the first time.
Post by Gee
Men should do that too a bit more.
They do, though they may not show it, not many women like to see men cry.
Post by Gee
What I called a tantrum was your unsuitable and uncalled for abusive
language after I said something u simply didn;t agree with.
Ah i see, it was a tantrum because i disagreed and turned out to be correct.

Which is what men do all the time, hence -throwing tantrums over nothing.

Like women saying "truth hurts" like a record stuck in a grove when they are
cornered and can't think coherently anymore.
Post by Gee
Rubbish, just cos non will marry you, can't blame em really :-)
Post by Gee
NOW u are scared of that, but we were talking before marrige feelings not
Yeh it's called thinking about the future, something you lack.
Post by Gee
Dunno about that. Maybe straight after - yes. But once it all heals down
there, and kid stops screaming 247, and providing she has some help to rest,
of course she should get the romantic feelings back.
Unfortunately it's sometimes to late by then.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Ok so you believe when a women marries she will always love you, never be
unfaithful etc (assuming you don't mistreat her). It's a nice dream but
get real.
I know what you are saying. I am real.
I know love don;t last forever.

Why not ? of course it does, but true love is hard to find and many never
experience it.

I don;t expect it to. But fairness should, and respect should, and if they
Post by Gee
decide to part, it should amicable, if nothing else for the sake of kids.
Of course it's best if a split is amicable, but it's sadly often impossible.
I do believe in prenuptual. But I do beleive in womens rights as well.

Yes that's clear, but you don't believe in equal rights do you, you believe
that women should have the rights men have but not that men should have the
rights women have, how many men for example would get maintenance from a
woman ?
Post by Gee
She gave you kids. No house can compare to that!
No it takes Sperm (from a man) and eggs (from a woman) to produce kids.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Well it casn't be that hard to know where someone is surely, especially
someone you know well and who's friends and family you also know well.
You would be surprised how difficult is to find someone in UK. As I said it
took them 16 years to nail the bust##d. Everytime they did find him, he'd
loose the job so he wouldn;t have to pay, or he'd move, or he'd do
Maybe he had good reason, i don't know the details of who left who or why.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
See my comments elsewhere.
Father of a child should be responsible for his child,a nd not to expect
some other dude to do his job. End of story.
No i disagree, as do many other men. End of story.
And i'll ask you again what about the reverse, man and kids, where is his
maintainance ?
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Howver in my friends case, this baby WAS planned, he wanted it and
insisted on it, then when the going got tuff he took off.
The going got tuff ?
I wonder what that means, she probably started bitching him and lost
interest in sex.
<sigh> I will not even bother repliying to such pathetic comment.
Lost for words ?
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
First, he would not be supporting the family, he would be providing for
HIS children.
And what when he want's a family, with a replacement partner and kids, he
has to pay for the kids in his "ex" family as well as his new one - get
stuffed i say.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
No he would be supporting someone elses family as the the woman now has a
new partner who has accepted her and her kids and will now support his
newfound "family"
HELLO!! They are still YOUR kids! Not his! You are giving money for YOUR
kid, not to support her or him! You are giving money to support YOUR child!
No indirectly you are supporting your ex and her new partner, because while
you are paying for the kids upbringing they are having a whale of a time
with all the extra money they *don't* have to spend on the kids.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I wonder if you would feel the same if your husband (if you have one) left
you, taking the kids and living with another woman, you would be happy to
pay maintenance yes ?
The love for my children is greater then anything in the world. I would do
anything possible to get them back, and if I cannot, I would make sure they
are well off, and would give every penny I have for them! They are MY kids,
and of course I wanna see them be happy and well! DAAH! Stupid question.
So you would gladly pay maintenance, good, cos otherwise you'd be a
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
an ex father doesn't need to pay for his ex's new family to show he loves
the kids.
He doesn;t. He'd pay for his own children.Or are they his EX kids as well!
Of course they are his exs kids aswell, they are also therefore the exs
mands kids regardless of who the biological father is.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
What about his feelings for a child? Does he NOT want his child to have
decent clothes, decent food, or new toy or whateva?
Maybe, if he can get over the pain of being dumped, but that should be his
choice, not forced upon him.
IF he can get over...!!!!!!!!!!! OH COMON!!!!!!! What does what SHE has
done to him have to do with his feelings for his CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well drop that one
Post by Gee
Men should stop taking the blame out on children! Give those kids the money
they need for scool, clothes etc, and get over your wife in your own time
No let the woman and her new mate support them, as the real father will have
to do if he has children with another woman.
You make your bed so lie in it, don't expect others to pay for your choices.
If i were in that situation i would do my best for my kids but if i was
forced to pay maintenance i'd refuse to contribute anything at all on
principle, nice to see others stick by thier principles.
Post by Gee
But what if there was a prenuptual?
Then no, that's whole point of it.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Err, without his sperm she wouldn't have children.
Oh yeah! Giving woman a sperm is EQUAL to her MAKING a person inside of her,
giving it her best bits, carrying it around for 9 months in pain and
discomfort, then finally going through agonizing pain of giving it birth!
Well that's just life and nature so live with it and don't expect men to be
eternally in debt for it.
Post by Gee
Not to mantion looking and bringing up the kid for the next 20 years while
Post by Gee
is nowhere to be seen mostly.
Obviously someone choose the wrong man and let her emotions overide common
Post by Gee
yeah I can see how that is equal addition to making a child!
You don't know the hell we have to put up with for a quite life.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
but also had a huge input in raising his children
As i would hope the father has also.
If you can tell me you have done exaclty 50/50 to what your wife has done
for those kids, I will accept your comment.
I have never had kids and am not married, but i have had several long
relationships and lived together and no the woman
has never done 50/50 because non of the women have had a full time job,
hence i was unable to do 50/50 either, but in that situation i would try my
best to, in my last relationships i have done all the maintenance/diy on the
house, car, etc etc., i pay 75% of the bills and the whole of the mortage as
well as working full time, when i get home i sometimes cook or wash up.
My woman does the housework and most of the cooking, one or two had part
time jobs but i never saw any of their money apart from a small amount i
managed to squeeze out of them towards bills, and spends my money.
Sounds a bit woman sided to me.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
supporting him
Men are still usually the main breadwinners
Not true. In most of the couples both sexes work and bring money in.
Yes, however not so many women work full time, even when they could, but
then if they did who'd do the housework, it wouldn't work out very well if
both partners were shattered after work everynight and had to cook, do the
housework and play with the kids after working a full day, it's a recipe for
disaster even if you could manage it.
However i would gladly stay at home and do the housework etc while they
woman earned the dosh :-)
Post by Gee
However when I said "supporting him" I meant in other ways as well: cook
for him,
Post by Gee
wash, iron, look after the kids for him-becuase men just really don;t-,
Only cos most are out working all hours godsend to keep them.
Post by Gee
entertain business partners etc.
Ah you associate with the high flyers w th loads a money, that explains your
Post by Gee
Yes some men will do all the baove things, but how often and how many men,
that is another question.
Most i know.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
looking after him
And of course him looking after her
Hmm...Maybe financially if she is not working. Emotianlly-I doubt.
Don't talk wet, i doubt any woman but the most stupid would marry or have
kids with a man that didn't give her emotional support.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
and the house
As does the man
Men look after the house? Yeah as if.Maybe 1 in a million.
There's a lot more to looking after a house than cleaning and dabbing a bit
of paint on the walls.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
then hell yeah, she should get the half.
Again, you retreit to abuse just because you disagree. See what I;m saying?
No not at all.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You are selfish, have one way tunnel vision and a hang up about the sexes
OK, that is your opiion. Just curious: how did you come to conclusion that I
am selfish?
Because all your comments are about what you as a woman should get, expect,
and money and you think men should fork out for everything, have no rights,
no equality and they are lazy, good for nothing, have no emotions etc etc.
Post by Gee
As for One way tunnell vision? Well, when you give men all the chances, and
they are still the same, then you can;t really enlarge your vision, can you.
What chances, is this your personal experience, don't base your opinions on
one man or even a few men.
Post by Gee
have a hang up about sexes? Hmm...Strangely I have more male friends then
female ones.
That's often the case with women who have a problem with men, they need to
surround themselves with men to make them feel secure, but i doubt even if
your male friends had you they would want to remain in a steady relationship
with you.
Post by Gee
I have a job that is traditionally considered man's job therefore work
with lots of men.

Big deal, felt the need to prove a point ?
Post by Gee
They don;t think I have a hang up. becuase they know I am right and most
are not afraid to admit it.
Yeah, whatever.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
just think the law is far too biased for women
and the equal rights thing has gone to far the other way in some aspects,
where men don't seem to have the same rights or advantages as women. The
law etc is still based on the fact that the man is the breadwinner and the
Post by Grimly Fiendish
is the potwasher and cleaner.
You have a point, yes law is old, and has to be changed, and married men can
stay with very little after divorce.
Saying that, if you look at the stats for the reasons for divorce,
infidelity on man's part is on the top, therefore, he really ask for it
didn;t he.
Then again men don't have pregnancies and undergo changes like a women, so
they don't lose there interest in sex like a woman and by the time a woman
feels like it again (if ever) it's often to late and there is no sexual
feeling anymore.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
She has given HIM much more then he could EVER repay.
Rubbish (see above comments), you really do think you are superior to men
don't you ?
Of couse. it's a fact, not an opinion. All women are, not just me. When you
make a baby, or be able to put up with the pain of giving birth, we can talk
No it's not a fact it's a myth, though it can be advantageous to let them
think so sometimes.
The fact is if it weren't for men we would never have evolved cos women
can't invent things nor do they heavy work a man can - yes there will be a
few who can, but the world, it's housing, machinery, richness, comfort was
never made by a handful of women and never will be and the day you realise
and accept this the sooner you'll wake up to reality.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Half of the house is really nothing in comparasment to giving birth!
Yeh right, and don't blame men for nature.
I don;t blame them for nature. I blame the fact that they dont; respect
women,a nd that it took 20 centuries for women to get some rights!
They always respected women, they just kept them down :-)
Now i suppose it's gonna take another 20 centuries for the bitterness to
wear off and for true equality to happen.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
I suppose if he gave birth to kids
He provided the means and probably made most of the effort during
LOLOLOLOL Yeah , as I described earlier, he has really done an EQUAL job in
MAKING a child, carrying it , giving it life and going through agonizing
pain of birth, then looking after it for 2- years.Yeah, MOST effort! AS IF!
Look it's just tuff tity.
Post by Gee
I still can;t stop laughing he he.
Stop tickling yourself then.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
And who paid for most of the food, clothes, upkeep of the house, bills,
transport, outings, drinks, presents etc etc, women have expensive tastes
and as you say kids cost a fortune.
The wife mostly. He proabbly spend most of his money on cars, football,
computer games, golf clubs, lovers etc.
Ah you must be talking about the typical unemployed couple who live of
others backs.
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
cleaned, cooked
While the man slaved away digging holes in the road in hot or freezing/wet
wether all day to earn the money to keep the family.
And you think cleaning the house is NOT a physical job? Jeez. Ever scrubbed
the carpet?
Only when something gets spilt, i hear those vacs that wash them are quite
good, though our carpets don't get that dirty.
Post by Gee
Washed the windows?
Ah yes, had to do that many a time as they aren't easy to reach for a woman,
and most aren't very good on ladders or window ledges etc.

Washed clothes on hand?

No i use a machine, or the bath for large sheets.

No, when you do call
Post by Gee
Ok, ugly.

Now what mans job do you do, would it be working in a smelting plant for 9
hours a day with a half hour break for a cold sandwich and cup of tea, in
front of white hot metal that makes you sweat constantantly even in winter,
or would it be spending all night digging a hole in the road in mid winter
to repair an iron water main thats burst with freezing cold water
everywhere, or maybe it's putting 8 foot corrugated roofing panels on a new
factory unit 40 ft high in a howling cold wind.
Or maybe you live on an oil rig in the north sea, and dive 100s of feet
underwater to repair the platform with welding gear.

DIY plumbing, wall plastering, tiling and even made a desk, all succesfully
and equal to any proffesional would do
it.And so have all my girlfriends.

Wow, are any of them single, it's hard to get girls that do anything
practical around here.
Post by Gee
You just discribed my dad! And I am dead serious. He was exactly like that.
Yes well like i said don't let your own unfortunate life tarnish the rest of
the populous, in comparison everyone you know is
but a speck of dust in the ocean.
Post by Gee
Fine my partner is not that bad, but he does think that he has done his part
by bringing in the money,and moans about every. Well there is more to
looking after family then money.
Ok so he works full time, and you ?
What does he moan about ?
Post by Gee
Emotions is what I am talking about.
Yeh ok, dunno where though.
Post by Gee
20 K a year is nothing and berely covering the bills. especially if you live
in London like me. 20K for a woman and two kids would be aboslute murder.
How odd, millions of families have to manage on far less than that, and
don't kid yourself, things aren't cheaper elsewhere apart from property
prices,my Girlfriend and her friend moved here from London over a year ago,
they have found to their horror that all is not as rosy as it seems outside
They would earn almost double what they get here for the same job, the
average wage here is about 12,000 PA for the mid range jobs, If you earn
over 15,000 you are very lucky, many earn far less than 12,000 PA yet still
have a house and family with 2-3 kids.
The prices in the shops are often higher than in London, Rent etc is about
the same, the only thing that is noticeably cheaper is housing. Most people
who move out of London up North are worse off.
Post by Gee
But even if the woman has another man, the father should still be liable to
pay for his kids. They are HIS kids after all.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Like you said you made them together, you share the costs together.
Forever. End of story.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
No, it's part of a package, if you as a woman marry and have kids then you
remain faithful and keep it a family, if you choose to break the marraige
vow and live with another man then it his no longer his family and he
Post by Grimly Fiendish
not have to support them if the woman has a new breadwinner.
So what, if your wife lives you, you will suddenly loose all the feelings
you have for your kids?
Post by Gee
your kids are your kids! theya re NOT your wife or
ex wife. They are YOUR BLOOD! How can you possibly just WANT to ignore them!
You wouldn't, but that doesn't mean you should be forced to support them
when they have a new family, what if you want to try agian, how can you look
after your new family properly and pay for your ex and her lover to feed and
cloth the kids.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 00:10:41 UTC
Post by Gee
It;s simple really: if you love someone, why would you wanna, or fear,
hurting them.
Exactly, you also need to trust them implicitly.
Post by Gee
IMHO the reason why men's best friend is a dog, is becuase of men's luck of
communication skills(no disrespect here guys, but we women are so much
better at it).
True most men can't keep up with a woman in that dept, but what that has to
do with a dog i don't know.
Post by Gee
You have to admit that the way you probably bond with your
mates is by insluts and put downs, spitting and swearing at/on football
match or competing in something.
You mix with the wrong men.
Post by Gee
Hardly a bases for a good relationship. So
what do you have left: a dog, until you find the woman who will not treat
you bad, and you will consider her your best friend.
Yeah right.
2003-12-08 13:01:17 UTC
Post by Gee
IMHO the reason why men's best friend is a dog, is becuase of men's luck
of communication skills(no disrespect here guys, but we women are so much
Post by Gee
better at it).
True most men can't keep up with a woman in that dept, but what that has to
do with a dog i don't know.
The point was that becuase men can;t communicate well, and bond in
humilating ways, the man just alike any other being want love, but can;t
show it to his male mates. So instead he talks openly to a dog, thus making
it his best friend.
Post by Gee
You have to admit that the way you probably bond with your
mates is by insluts and put downs, spitting and swearing at/on football
match or competing in something.
You mix with the wrong men.
OK, so you are telling me that you and your mates sit down at the table,
have a cup of tea and talk relationships(NOT SEX), symphatise with each
other, offer a positive relationship advice which does NOT consist of "find
another woman" or leave her", and even cry in front of him if you feel hurt?
Post by Gee
Hardly a bases for a good relationship. So
what do you have left: a dog, until you find the woman who will not treat
you bad, and you will consider her your best friend.
Yeah right.
Isn;t it.
2003-12-08 00:22:31 UTC
Post by Gee
IMHO the reason why men's best friend is a dog, is becuase of men's luck of
communication skills(no disrespect here guys, but we women are so much
better at it).
The reason that a Dog is Man's best friend is because it will fuck anything
that will have it, most women will do that also, but at least you know where
you stand with the Dog!
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-08 00:27:29 UTC
Post by Fred
The reason that a Dog is Man's best friend is because it will fuck
anything that will have it, most women will do that also,
Bollocks, will they.
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
2003-12-08 00:35:14 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
The reason that a Dog is Man's best friend is because it will fuck
anything that will have it, most women will do that also,
Bollocks, will they.
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-08 00:44:36 UTC
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box -so- low
down, it's not even worth acknowledging.

I'm bored.
2003-12-08 00:54:06 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box -so- low
down, it's not even worth acknowledging.
I'm bored.
Now your on the women against man thingy! You know nothing about me as I
know nothing about you, we both can only perceive an image of each other
from the post's we read?
Sometimes we are wrong.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-08 01:05:00 UTC
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box -so-
low down, it's not even worth acknowledging.
I'm bored.
Now your on the women against man thingy!
You started it.
Post by Fred
You know nothing about me
This is true.
Post by Fred
as I know nothing about you, we both can only perceive an image of
each other from the post's we read?
Sometimes we are wrong.
Rubbish. What I'm saying is that just because you have been faithfully
attached to the same partner for 25 years, doesn't give you the right to
tar every woman with the same brush.

So many men AND women do this. Ever heard the phrase "We were so much
alike that we didn't get on"? Well I tell you, it ain't as half as common
as the phrase "Opposites attract"...

Only one of them is utter shite, and one is worthy of thought.

Whoever wrote "Women are from Venus and me are from Mars" should be shot
through the head at point blank range.

Truth is, we're both from the same chuffing planet - but we're too alike to
be ultimately compatible always. FACT.
2003-12-08 01:30:08 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box -so-
low down, it's not even worth acknowledging.
I'm bored.
Now your on the women against man thingy!
You started it.
Post by Fred
You know nothing about me
This is true.
Post by Fred
as I know nothing about you, we both can only perceive an image of
each other from the post's we read?
Sometimes we are wrong.
Rubbish. What I'm saying is that just because you have been faithfully
attached to the same partner for 25 years, doesn't give you the right to
tar every woman with the same brush.
So many men AND women do this. Ever heard the phrase "We were so much
alike that we didn't get on"? Well I tell you, it ain't as half as common
as the phrase "Opposites attract"...
Only one of them is utter shite, and one is worthy of thought.
Whoever wrote "Women are from Venus and me are from Mars" should be shot
through the head at point blank range.
Truth is, we're both from the same chuffing planet - but we're too alike to
be ultimately compatible always. FACT.
Can we fuck like rabbits now?
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 01:40:18 UTC
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box -so-
low down, it's not even worth acknowledging.
I'm bored.
Now your on the women against man thingy!
You started it.
Post by Fred
You know nothing about me
This is true.
Post by Fred
as I know nothing about you, we both can only perceive an image of
each other from the post's we read?
Sometimes we are wrong.
Rubbish. What I'm saying is that just because you have been faithfully
attached to the same partner for 25 years, doesn't give you the right to
tar every woman with the same brush.
Why not, seems a waste to but a new tar brush every time ?
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
So many men AND women do this. Ever heard the phrase "We were so much
alike that we didn't get on"? Well I tell you, it ain't as half as common
as the phrase "Opposites attract"...
Yeh, both a load of crap IMO.
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Truth is, we're both from the same chuffing planet - but we're too alike
to be ultimately compatible always. FACT.

Post by Fred
Can we fuck like rabbits now?
Hey, this is a public NG y'know.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 13:51:43 UTC
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Fred
Post by Seven Nation Amy
I don't expect, for one second, you've tried asking.
I have been married for 25 years! I know.
And remained faithful the whole time? This gives you a soap box
-so- low down, it's not even worth acknowledging.
I'm bored.
Now your on the women against man thingy!
You started it.
Post by Fred
You know nothing about me
This is true.
Post by Fred
as I know nothing about you, we both can only perceive an image of
each other from the post's we read?
Sometimes we are wrong.
Rubbish. What I'm saying is that just because you have been
faithfully attached to the same partner for 25 years, doesn't give
you the right to tar every woman with the same brush.
So many men AND women do this. Ever heard the phrase "We were so
much alike that we didn't get on"? Well I tell you, it ain't as half
as common as the phrase "Opposites attract"...
Only one of them is utter shite, and one is worthy of thought.
Whoever wrote "Women are from Venus and me are from Mars" should be
shot through the head at point blank range.
Truth is, we're both from the same chuffing planet - but we're too
Post by Seven Nation Amy
be ultimately compatible always. FACT.
Can we fuck like rabbits now?
I'm not drunk yet.
2003-12-08 13:05:43 UTC
Post by Fred
The reason that a Dog is Man's best friend is because it will fuck anything
that will have it,
No, For this reason, men ARE called "the Dogs"
Post by Fred
most women will do that also,
Those women are called prostitues and they get paid for it. Perhaps you
should broaden your circle of female friends?
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
At least the dog gives you love, attention and loyalty. Men don;t.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 20:50:04 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Fred
The reason that a Dog is Man's best friend is because it will fuck
Post by Fred
that will have it,
No, For this reason, men ARE called "the Dogs"
Post by Fred
most women will do that also,
Those women are called prostitues and they get paid for it. Perhaps you
should broaden your circle of female friends?
Post by Fred
but at least you know where you stand with the Dog!
At least the dog gives you love, attention and loyalty. Men don;t.
You have to give it too you know, and that is absolute crap, obviously you
have been let down and you are bitter about it.
2003-12-09 04:25:07 UTC
"Grimly Fiendish" <***@Sexfiend.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
At least the dog gives you love, attention and loyalty. Men don;t.
You have to give it too you know, and that is absolute crap, obviously you
have been let down and you are bitter about it.
I have been let down a few times yes. And so have ALL Of the women I know,
and don;t know. Just read any magazine, or the internet. Therefore, my above
statement is in no way crap, nor the expression of bitterness. It's simply
the fact: men are very hard to give away emotions, and even worse at keeping
their "best friend" at bay. You don;t have to agree with me. Read. Find out
for yourself. Speak to your female friends.

Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 19:05:10 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
At least the dog gives you love, attention and loyalty. Men don;t.
You have to give it too you know, and that is absolute crap, obviously you
have been let down and you are bitter about it.
I have been let down a few times yes. And so have ALL Of the women I know,
and don;t know. Just read any magazine, or the internet
All you talk about is how sorry we should all feel about women and how hard
done by they are, everything you say is one sided, you are a typical male
cat owner by Grants description.
Post by Gee
Therefore, my above statement is in no way crap, nor the expression of

No it's just a whinge about men.
Post by Gee
It's simply the fact: men are very hard to give away emotions
Well yes this is very true.
Post by Gee
and even worse at keeping their "best friend" at bay.
Lost me on that one.
Post by Gee
You don;t have to agree with me. Read. Find out
for yourself. Speak to your female friends.
If i speak to my female friends about most of what you have said here they
will probably agree as women always stick together and love to drag men down
and bitch about them, it's a true woman who can actually understand that we
are much more alike than women would like to admit and realise that most men
put in an equal amount of work into raising and keeping a family.

Incidentally i can see with your attitude it must be very difficult for a
man to live with you, are you married, do you have a partner living with you
out of interest ?
2003-12-09 20:49:20 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
All you talk about is how sorry we should all feel about women and how hard
done by they are, everything you say is one sided, you are a typical male
cat owner by Grants description.
Actually I am female cat owner.

I never said you should feel sorry about women, however the women have been
hard done by for 20 centuries, so the lest you can do is agnoledge that fact
and respect them more.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Therefore, my above statement is in no way crap, nor the expression of
No it's just a whinge about men.
Oh stop moaning about my whinging. Whinging is a repeated request for a man
to do something he was suppose to do in the first place. So stop moaning
about something thatt is essentially your doing!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
It's simply the fact: men are very hard to give away emotions
Well yes this is very true.
Thank you! There, it wasn;t so hard.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
and even worse at keeping their "best friend" at bay.
Lost me on that one.
His pen#s.Meaning it;s hard for many to stay faithfull.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
You don;t have to agree with me. Read. Find out
for yourself. Speak to your female friends.
If i speak to my female friends about most of what you have said here they
will probably agree as women always stick together and love to drag men
down and bitch about them,

No my dear! Women will agree becuase it's true not because we are trying to
be nasty!
Post by Grimly Fiendish
it's a true woman who can actually understand that we
are much more alike than women would like to admit and realise that most men
put in an equal amount of work into raising and keeping a family.
Naah, that kind of woman is wither 14 and believes anything, or a foreigner
and doesn;t understand your bubble.men and woman are differnet in every way,
hence the term men are from Mars and women are from Venus. and if you want
example, I'll give you the prime one: In some other post here, I ahve asked
someone a question :

"May I ask you to describe...blah blah." The male asnsewr to this was YES,
which is obviously tottaly illogical when asked to describe something.

You however still believe the answer to my question is correct. Why? Becuase
you are a man, and as such read the same language differently. Ask again any
of your female mates about the above question and answer and see if just ONE
will giev you the answer as YES, or will then answer you with the actuall

So don;t tell me men and women are the same! We may have a few things in
common, but everything from the body to the brain to the way of thinking
understandig an dlogic is completely different and often opposite.

Antoher exaple:

What does " I'll call you later" mean?

In man's language: " I'll call you maybe at some point in the future, within
the range of 2 weeks to 6 months"

In woman's language: "I'll call you later TODAY" which is only logical. if a
woman will call you in 6 weeks, she will NEVER say I'll call you later, she
would say, I' will give you a call in 6 weeks!

Want more? I have plenty of examples.

Post by Grimly Fiendish
Incidentally i can see with your attitude it must be very difficult for a
man to live with you, are you married, do you have a partner living with you
out of interest ?
2003-12-09 20:53:16 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
All you talk about is how sorry we should all feel about women and how
Post by Grimly Fiendish
done by they are, everything you say is one sided, you are a typical male
cat owner by Grants description.
Actually I am female cat owner.
I never said you should feel sorry about women, however the women have been
hard done by for 20 centuries, so the lest you can do is agnoledge that fact
and respect them more.
Someone send this blonde moron a cd with 'My heart bleeds for you'.
On second thought blondee's probably still using 8 track.

Hey blondee, let's you and I date. Then you can cook for me and clean
my toilet. Send me some binaries of your hooterz first.
2003-12-09 21:27:34 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
I never said you should feel sorry about women, however the women have
been hard done by for 20 centuries, so the lest you can do is agnoledge that
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
and respect them more.
Someone send this blonde moron a cd with 'My heart bleeds for you'.
Aah, touched the nerve then have I? And you calling me a moron ??? He he he
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
On second thought blondee's probably still using 8 track.
Acutally I have Nakamichi Dragon, not that I expect you to know what that

He he he he.
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Hey blondee, let's you and I date. Then you can cook for me and clean
my toilet. Send me some binaries of your hooterz first.
You keep wishing mate. Because that all you have: internet, and a wish. He
2003-12-09 21:31:59 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
I never said you should feel sorry about women, however the women have
been hard done by for 20 centuries, so the lest you can do is agnoledge that
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
and respect them more.
Someone send this blonde moron a cd with 'My heart bleeds for you'.
Aah, touched the nerve then have I? And you calling me a moron ??? He he he
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
On second thought blondee's probably still using 8 track.
Acutally I have Nakamichi Dragon, not that I expect you to know what that
He he he he.
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Hey blondee, let's you and I date. Then you can cook for me and clean
my toilet. Send me some binaries of your hooterz first.
You keep wishing mate. Because that all you have: internet, and a wish. He
I bet you swallow, don'tcha?
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 22:56:26 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
I never said you should feel sorry about women, however the women have
been hard done by for 20 centuries, so the lest you can do is agnoledge that
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Gee
and respect them more.
Someone send this blonde moron a cd with 'My heart bleeds for you'.
Aah, touched the nerve then have I? And you calling me a moron ??? He he he
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
On second thought blondee's probably still using 8 track.
Acutally I have Nakamichi Dragon, not that I expect you to know what that
He he he he.
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Hey blondee, let's you and I date. Then you can cook for me and clean
my toilet. Send me some binaries of your hooterz first.
You keep wishing mate. Because that all you have: internet, and a wish. He
Hold on let me answer that sensibly like a woman.

He he, he he he, he he, he, hhe, he he he, he
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:04:11 UTC
Post by Gee
Actually I am female cat owner.
You even discriminate against the gender of your cats? Welcome to
2003-12-09 20:58:51 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Actually I am female cat owner.
You even discriminate against the gender of your cats? Welcome to
I betcha she's one of them rug munchers.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 21:20:38 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Actually I am female cat owner.
You even discriminate against the gender of your cats? Welcome to
I betcha she's one of them rug munchers.
Is your nym meant to be insulting to black people?
2003-12-09 21:38:24 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by Gee
Actually I am female cat owner.
You even discriminate against the gender of your cats? Welcome to
I betcha she's one of them rug munchers.
Is your nym meant to be insulting to black people?
I see why Gee has you bouncing around like a monkey with roids. If
your IQ was two points higher, you'd be a rock. You must be a brit.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 22:01:17 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
I betcha she's one of them rug munchers.
Is your nym meant to be insulting to black people?
I see why Gee has you bouncing around like a monkey with roids.
Wondered how long it would take you to get sore.

2003-12-09 21:59:50 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
I betcha she's one of them rug munchers.
Is your nym meant to be insulting to black people?
I see why Gee has you bouncing around like a monkey with roids.
Wondered how long it would take you to get sore.
Aww comon, don't stop dancin jus cuz the music stopped.
Here's a peanut oo
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 22:12:21 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Aww comon, don't stop dancin jus cuz the music stopped.
See, the music needs to be sweet, bro. If it's sour and twisted - it don't
make good timing.

You either need to be prepared to discuss why you're a racist twat, or you
need to change your nym.
2003-12-09 22:09:47 UTC
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Aww comon, don't stop dancin jus cuz the music stopped.
See, the music needs to be sweet, bro. If it's sour and twisted - it don't
make good timing.
You either need to be prepared to discuss why you're a racist twat, or you
need to change your nym.
I twat you said goodbye. Gee...you're eazy.
Seven Nation Amy
2003-12-09 22:20:05 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Post by Seven Nation Amy
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
Aww comon, don't stop dancin jus cuz the music stopped.
See, the music needs to be sweet, bro. If it's sour and twisted - it
don't make good timing.
You either need to be prepared to discuss why you're a racist twat, or
you need to change your nym.
I twat you said goodbye. Gee...you're eazy.
So why are you so racist then?

Jay Kaner
2003-12-07 15:01:27 UTC
Post by Gee
Secondly men like chase. Its not a chauvinistic comment. It's a scientific
fact. Cats indifference and giving love only when and where they want is
what every guy really wants: a chase and a fight for her/his (cats) love.
That's why pet shops sell more gaffa tape than B&Q and Do It All put
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 00:11:46 UTC
Post by Jay Kaner
Post by Gee
Secondly men like chase. Its not a chauvinistic comment. It's a scientific
fact. Cats indifference and giving love only when and where they want is
what every guy really wants: a chase and a fight for her/his (cats) love.
That's why pet shops sell more gaffa tape than B&Q and Do It All put
You can tie them to rockets and fire them too :-)
2003-12-08 13:58:19 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Cats indifference and giving love only when and where they want is
Post by Gee
what every guy really wants: a chase and a fight for her/his (cats)
Post by Gee
That's why pet shops sell more gaffa tape than B&Q and Do It All put
You can tie them to rockets and fire them too :-)
You are on a cat newsgroup. Comments like that will not bring you many
friends. Even if meant as a joke.
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-08 20:54:48 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Cats indifference and giving love only when and where they want is
Post by Gee
what every guy really wants: a chase and a fight for her/his (cats)
Post by Gee
That's why pet shops sell more gaffa tape than B&Q and Do It All put
You can tie them to rockets and fire them too :-)
You are on a cat newsgroup. Comments like that will not bring you many
friends. Even if meant as a joke.
Oh yeh, that'll teach idiots to crosspost to non related newsgroups i'm
posting from Freeserve.discuss.
Don't you just love that long MMMMmmmmeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww as
they hurtle into oblivion :-))
2003-12-09 04:28:11 UTC
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You can tie them to rockets and fire them too :-)
You are on a cat newsgroup. Comments like that will not bring you many
friends. Even if meant as a joke.
Oh yeh, that'll teach idiots to crosspost to non related newsgroups i'm
posting from Freeserve.discuss.
The subject is MEN AND CATS. Hardly unrelated to CATS newsgroup. So you
still wanna call them idiots?
Grimly Fiendish
2003-12-09 19:17:19 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
You can tie them to rockets and fire them too :-)
You are on a cat newsgroup. Comments like that will not bring you many
friends. Even if meant as a joke.
Oh yeh, that'll teach idiots to crosspost to non related newsgroups i'm
posting from Freeserve.discuss.
The subject is MEN AND CATS. Hardly unrelated to CATS newsgroup. So you
still wanna call them idiots?
However it was only posted to Freeserve Discuss originally until somebody
called Gee decided to cross post it to lots of other groups (perhaps to
increase the chances of a response or to start a flame war).
There is only one idiot and that was the one that suddenly decide to cross
post the thread into other groups. I would not have made such a comment in a
cat group unless i wanted stir up trouble.
2003-12-09 20:56:50 UTC
"Grimly Fiendish" <***@Sexfiend.fsnet.co.uk> wrote in message

Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
The subject is MEN AND CATS. Hardly unrelated to CATS newsgroup. So you
still wanna call them idiots?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
However it was only posted to Freeserve Discuss originally until somebody
called Gee decided to cross post it to lots of other groups (perhaps to
increase the chances of a response or to start a flame war).
Now you are obviously just talking rubbish as you are unhappy with my
answer. Anyone including you can check the posts, and see that I AM NOT the
one who started the crossposting, and have only joined by ANSWERING someone
by hitting replky to ALL, which included other groups. Never even heard of
your freeserve discuss untill then. So nice try grimply, this is the lowest
you ever stooped so far, but once again, it won't work, becuase anyone can
check that you are lying..
Post by Grimly Fiendish
There is only one idiot and that was the one that suddenly decide to cross
post the thread into other groups.
Aaah, let me see who that was...Here:
D. Martens is the one I first replied to, and who has all the newsgroups
listed. He may not be the first one who started crossposting though, as my
newsreader(OE) is only displaying me the messages from the 05.12.03. in

Isn;t it a darn shame when you encounter an intelligent woman like me and
she is right!So I do hope you haven;t called an idiot someone you actually
like, becuase he/she will not be happy.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I would not have made such a comment in a cat group unless i wanted stir up

hence my polite and not insulting reply which you would;ve got had I though
your were serious.Unlike you who imidiately started calling people idiots.
2003-12-09 20:54:49 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by Grimly Fiendish
Post by Gee
The subject is MEN AND CATS. Hardly unrelated to CATS newsgroup. So you
still wanna call them idiots?
Post by Grimly Fiendish
However it was only posted to Freeserve Discuss originally until somebody
called Gee decided to cross post it to lots of other groups (perhaps to
increase the chances of a response or to start a flame war).
Now you are obviously just talking rubbish as you are unhappy with my
answer. Anyone including you can check the posts, and see that I AM NOT the
one who started the crossposting, and have only joined by ANSWERING someone
by hitting replky to ALL, which included other groups. Never even heard of
your freeserve discuss untill then. So nice try grimply, this is the lowest
you ever stooped so far, but once again, it won't work, becuase anyone can
check that you are lying..
Post by Grimly Fiendish
There is only one idiot and that was the one that suddenly decide to cross
post the thread into other groups.
D. Martens is the one I first replied to, and who has all the newsgroups
listed. He may not be the first one who started crossposting though, as my
newsreader(OE) is only displaying me the messages from the 05.12.03. in
Isn;t it a darn shame when you encounter an intelligent woman like me and
she is right!So I do hope you haven;t called an idiot someone you actually
like, becuase he/she will not be happy.
Post by Grimly Fiendish
I would not have made such a comment in a cat group unless i wanted stir up
hence my polite and not insulting reply which you would;ve got had I though
your were serious.Unlike you who imidiately started calling people idiots.
PMS'd hey hon? I'm surprised at your age.
2003-12-09 21:29:16 UTC
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
PMS'd hey hon? I'm surprised at your age.
And another typical male answer to everything: PMS. I udnerstand dear. It is
very hard to use your brain to send an intelligent answer. Now take your
milk and go to bed.It's way pass your bedtime.
2003-12-09 21:42:00 UTC
Post by Gee
Post by ZachSnoopDoggyWoggySki
PMS'd hey hon? I'm surprised at your age.
And another typical male answer to everything: PMS. I udnerstand dear. It is
very hard to use your brain to send an intelligent answer.
Having two brains ain't easy hon. Occasionally I use the one down
Post by Gee
Now take your
milk and go to bed.It's way pass your bedtime.
I only like to drink it fresh from the *container. Got milk?